

  • LOL just tell him that you need to get something important for the house, when he asks what tell him to weight and see (get it hahaha, ok that was baaaad :laugh: :blushing: ) HAHA!!
  • Hehe i am also still learning :smile: I do agree with the advice but find myself not doing it. I really need to grow some and show myself my bad days lol!! :laugh: Good luck on your weight loss huni, keep in touch :flowerforyou: Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Hiya huni, welcome to MFP! Everyone are your friends on here, we will for sure make you feel good on your rubbish days and congratulate you on your fab days!! You will definately lose your desired weight on here if you keep it up, and if you struggle at all, then talk to us all who will motivate you on!! Good luck hun, we…
  • LOL its all good hehe ;) Like I have just written to the weightloss32 above, everyones metabolisms are different so it could be that all of a sudden a big chunk of weight dissappears hun! Inches are a good think to as inches are what able you to get into your smaller clothes again hehe! If you have been working out, muscle…
  • I havent always been eating my calories (not on purpose mind, just because what I have eaten has filled me so wont eat my calories just for eatings sake), however sometimes I have gone over so it kinda equals out. Your not doing anything wrong so dont worry, everyones metabolisms are different, some are a lot faster than…
  • OMG I am soooo happy but i am due on in a few days (weird ref happiness I know lol) and have found I have put on 3 lbs recently. I thought it was because it has just been my birthday and I have over eaten slightly (ok a lot haha), but you ladies have made me feel loads better. I thought my weight gain was just because I…
  • REALLY good luck Nutshel with your 50lbs weight loss, you know u can do it, we will all be so proud when you do :) x Thanks Championfl, I literally counted calories and that is it. I have done some excercise but not a lot. I am going to start doing some more though as I have put a little weight back on but it has been my…
  • Thanks so much for your awesome words everyone, I really hope you are all doing well and keep up your fantastic work!!! xxx
  • Thanks Dan :) Really good luck with your goal to :) x
  • Hey guys, I have just lost 15lbs in just over a month so I KNOW you guys can do it!!! The key is to get through the first week, that will be the hardest as you will not be used to eating smaller amounts, however once your 'inner tummy' has shrunk, you will not evev realise your eating less!!! You go guys and gals!!!! If…