

  • I've found, when I hit a plateau, the best solution is a change... eat different food (we all get bogged down in a routine and end up eating the same thing), do different exercise or no exercise, just shake things up a bit. Remember though if you are exercising a lot then your body needs more fuel, if you don't eat enough…
  • I find a bit of gentle exercise actually makes me feel better; I'm not suggesting 4 hours in the gym, but a brisk walk definitely has benefits. Good Luck
  • I'm 5'2" and have lost 44lbs. People have started saying things like "Oooo be careful you don't want to lose much more!" I am currently at 150lbs. Yes I was overweight and felt unhealthy and feel so much better now, but like you I am still at the top of of overweight according to BMI. I have decided I will stop when I feel…
  • You could try power walking instead, uses the same sort of calories but less impact on your joints. If you start power walking it will build up your stamina too so then you will be better placed to start running. I gave up on the running and stuck with thw walking.
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