

  • The Biggest Loser game! It's brilliant, loads of different exercises, I love the boxercise. it's got weekly weigh in's and challenges. thing to remember with the wii - you only get out what you put in!
  • Yeah good idea - might well be contributing - drinking more water is definitely my main demon to face. Think I'll take today off, just have a good stretch out, and again in the morning :)
  • chamomile tea, i love Twinings chamomile and spiced apple! if your not sure, Twinings were giving away free samples on their website.
  • I have the new one - the biggest loser challenge - and it's brilliant! I love the boxercise, and you can really work up a sweat if you commit to it! I
  • Problem might be the speed as well? I find for my stride 4.0 is a fast walk, and 5.3 is a jog. If I have it inbetween these speeds - so too fast to walk and too slow to jog properly, I get spaghetti legs and forget how to do it altogether. haha!
  • haha this fills me with a bit of confidence, maybe the Wii fit is right!! They have the Weight Watchers scales on offer, and they have got pretty good reviews. I currently have digital scales, maybe I should try re-setting them?
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