

  • Take a look into strength training/bodybuilding and or crossfit. Jillians workout are called polyometric, I think its good part of a more complete system, like there is some in Crossfit. The thing is, to be effective, exercise should be intense enough to trigger the release of anabolic hormone, that when the magic happen.…
  • Whatever what the word SPORT means .... Bodybuilding is a discipline that need incredible focus, research and learning, mental strength, dedication, etc .... way more that all those SPORT. Calling bodybuilding a sports would be a insult to bodybuilding if you want my opinion ... All the world top athlete in almost every…
  • To burn fat there is other factor, like your intake of calorie and your basal metabolic rate. Your body will alwase try to reach homeostasis .... On the very long run The Paleo Diet should bring you back to you ideal weight but it may take some years ... To burn fat here a trick, zigzag your calories. Like : SAT SUN over…
  • Its the same with bodybuilding .... I think its because you need to be disciplined, focus, mentally strong, have willpower and courage ... stuff like that ... to do CrossFit .... stuff they clearly don't have ... Because of you it underline the fact that they are .... couch potato ...
  • O yea , forgot to mention .... people who have lack of energy on paleo often don't eat enough fat. So there body still work on sugar burning mode, and since they don't have a lot of carbs, they feel low energy .... Your primary source of energy is fat now so, you have to get enough of it !!! If you want to break the…
  • Sorry for my english writing I'm frensh canadien ... :-) Im on paleo since 2 years now, and its just amazing ! My allergy to pollen, dust, etc ... have reduced by 80%, I need 2 hours less sleep to have the same energy level than before, I'm now 8% bodyfat, I can see my abs all the time ... And I eat near 500 calories over…