spotofdirt Member


  • Awesome job!! Great results and good motivation for me. I started at the same weight and have the same goal as you.
  • I used to take crew in college...i'd recommend trying the rowing machine at the gym...its a crazy burn when you start to get into it.
  • I used to be a runner and then gained about 80 pounds...thought I would be able to go right back into running. Big mistake. I injured both achilles tendons with the high impact after 4 months now, they are still healing. As a result, I have just been walking instead. I have to say...its almost as effective as when i was…
  • Prepare all your food yourself. I suggest adding sodium levels to your diary so you can keep track of that. I looked through your diary and im pretty sure you are exceeding sodium levels each day. Most things you get from places like Rubios and Which Which are going to be packed with salt. I try to only eat out once a week…
  • Don't go right into heavy exercise. I was 270...gained the weight pretty quickly. Used to be a runner before that. So i went right into running. Its been 5 months and im still having problems with my achille's tendons. I had to revert to just walking. I would start slow and really focus on eating right. I have been losing…
  • Thanks for the advice....i stopped exercise for about 2 months when i started feeling better. Instead of running, I have only been walking. It still bothers me after I walk a few miles but its bearable. I am going to take your advice and start icing it seems like it isn't going to go away and I need to get some…
  • Anyone can feel free to add me. I have 100 pounds to lose to get to my goal weight. 10 down so far! Looking to find and give support through here.
  • I have the exact same issue. I feel like I cannot find a common middle ground. Either I am compulsively exercising or compulsively eating. There is no inbetween. Either I am super healthy or super unhealthy. I have gone down to 150 and up to 300 pounds about 6 times in my life now. I have a fear that I am going to kill…