Tendon Pain Near Achilles

Just wondering if anyone has experienced discomfort around their achilles heel. I used to be a long distance runner...i got out of shape and am currently at 250 pounds. I have been going back to running...starting slow and only doing 2 miles a day. I am feeling alot of discomfort where my achilles tendon meets my lower calf. Just wondering if anyone has experienced this? I am super motivated and I don't want to stop all the progress I've been obtaining. But at the same time, I don't want to take myself out of being able to exercise completely. Am I jumping the gun and doing too much distance for my current weight? Would love to hear that opinion from anyone that's been in this situation.


  • MerleMm
    MerleMm Posts: 1
    I have been coping with Achilles tendinitis for 5 months. Treatment has included physical therapy, medications, and a boot ( at 1st nights, then full- time instead of a cast).
    I'd suggest getting it checked out. Icing and stretching have become routine for me now. I could have had a shorter recovery if I'd been more consistent with that.
  • spotofdirt
    spotofdirt Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for the advice....i stopped exercise for about 2 months when i started feeling better. Instead of running, I have only been walking. It still bothers me after I walk a few miles but its bearable. I am going to take your advice and start icing more...as it seems like it isn't going to go away and I need to get some sort of exercise in.