

  • I have them as well even though I still have about 30-40 lbs to go. However I think genetics has something to do with it because my cousin is thin around her waist and but yet wide hips and guess what her mom and my mom are sisters and they both have them as well. DARN things! Look at the bright side though they say women…
  • Don't give up!!!! Sodium intake level has a lot to do with how you feel and weigh. I was doing so good and staying right on track. I had lost 11 lbs since Feb 21. Then one weekend I had three cheat days in a row eating breads/chips/take out and I gained 4 lbs on the fourth day even though I never really went way over my…
  • I would highly suggest that you look at the label. Stay away from anything that has a lot of ingredients in it. Peanut butter should be made from peanuts and maybe some salt but not all the other stuff. If there is anything that says partially hydrogenated or hydrogenated put it back on the shelf. That stuff is bad for…
  • I see people say that they are purchasing it at WalMart. The LouAna brand has been refined! When using coconut oil you really need to purchase the virgin coconut oil and know for sure that is the real deal. So be careful to know what you are purchasing. What I purchase is from Nutiva and here is what they say about…
  • The doctors are not going to tell us how to eat a perfectly healthy diet because if they did then people wouldn't hardly ever need them. Our bodies would be functioning as they should. I have nothing against doctors in general but I do my own research and try to use common sense. Like I said early, human chemically…
  • Here is a great article on coconut oil: Here are some ideas and ways to use it: I will tell you that I use it and that I love it. I can tell you it has made a big…
  • We purchase everything as local as we can from our farmers. I do a garden and grow my own vegetables and what I don't grow I get from my farmers market. We eat almost no processed food (chemical laden junk) and I urge others to do the same! Make small changes and start there. It's really doesn't cost that much more…
  • Wow! That is some awesome change. I bet you feel amazing. You look great!
  • Eat fat to lost fat! They need to be healthy fats. Things like real butter and coconut oil along with nuts like some others mentioned. It helps a lot!