

  • The only way to succeed is to keep trying! Good that you are back! :D
  • As Ms Stacey once told Anne Shirley, "Tomorrow is fresh and new with no mistakes in it." (or pastries).
  • I highly recomment prunes or if you prefer, prune juice. They're pretty effective and it's an easy, inexpensive alternative.
  • Personal preference! I know that I have a really horrible time when I'm "bein' a girl" as we call it around these parts. It's one of my freebies to myself, if I have to suffer this much I shouldn't have to worry about anything else unless I want to!
  • The first best one is : Don't allow a slip up to make you give up. We all splurge, but don't get overwhelmed by guilt and tell yourself that you've already blown it so you might as well. Second best one is : Drink water, you're probably thirsty.
  • I got mine on! LOL
  • I do a low carb diet and one of my favourite replacements for pretty much any pasta is steamed vegetables. I used to have chicken alfredo over fettucini noodles, now I eat it over steamed broccoli. Also, I've found that roasting vegetables in the oven makes them all delicious! Just brush a bit of olive oil on them, add…
  • Everyone is different and because of that different diet techniques are more effective for different people. Atkins always has worked well for me because of the way my body works, but that doesnt' mean it works for everyone. I have a crack-addict-style addiction to carbohydrates that is totally unhealthy and by reducing my…
  • I just got started here myself, I'm trying hard to stay motivated and make appropriate choices. I've been trying to diet off and on for years and years. Mostly off. But I've successfully shed 80 lbs before only to get sick (my appendix ruptured) and allow myself to wallow and lose focus and I gained it all back. But I tell…
  • I strongly urge you to try the angelhair pasta ones, they're the most like actual pasta. Also, after rinsing them thoroughly, drying them out a bit in a hot pan is good :D helps them to get a more normal texture and it will also enable the noodles to soak up some flavour. On a similar note, marinading them overnight in…