Looking for some help in the motivation department.

I'm new to the site and need all the help I can get. I seem to get easily sidetracked. I've been on almost a week but got a little delayed in showing any progress due to getting sick. I'm finally starting to feel better. I hope that means that eating normally and feeling like I have the energy and ability to exercise will be back soon. My long-term goal for myself is to lose 60-70 lbs. But right now I'm focusing on losing 25lbs by October for a wedding I have to be in. So I guess I'm throwing this out there in hopes to have some people behind me and helping me stay motivated. Thank you in advance! I cant wait to be back on track and back on this journey!


  • Hi Layla...welcome! Actually this is my first day on this site and I have about the same amount of weight to lose. I know how hard it is to get started...I've tried this so many times and failed. HOWEVER, I like the idea of this site. Plus you have people to help keep you motivated as you go along. I have a friend who is working out with me which was a great start. I didn't really focus on the food for the forst 6 weeks. I just wanted to get in a good routine at the gym. We go every morning at 5:30 am. ( know,..yikes). But we have been very faithful and I know feel I can start incorporating the food changes. I wish you the very best with your new endeavors and just know we are all probably right there with you having the same struggles!!!
  • Layla76
    Layla76 Posts: 61 Member
    Thank you, itypealot! This site will be great for me since it will make me feel accountable for ym actions. I love the food diary and think I will love the exercise one once I can get back into my routine and actually post anything on it! Hopefully only a few more days!
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    Feel free to add me. I try to stay positive and motivating to all my friends.
  • rds532
    rds532 Posts: 106 Member
    Hi - I just started yesterday and would love some friends to help push me and support me!
  • add me!!! I'm a bodybyvi coach and love to help support and motivate others...it helps keep me motivated! :)
  • kduggan24
    kduggan24 Posts: 6 Member
    I am a Beachbody coach and help small groups of people stay motivated and complete a fitness program! It's a great way to stay on track! I love this site for tracking food but find that the people come and go without real accountability. Our private FB page group is so powerful! If you interested in learning more, just ask :)
    BIGJIMMYU Posts: 1,221 Member
    Look in the mirror once a day and say to yourself "I am worth it! I am sick of this and am going to make a change"!
  • I just got started here myself, I'm trying hard to stay motivated and make appropriate choices. I've been trying to diet off and on for years and years. Mostly off. But I've successfully shed 80 lbs before only to get sick (my appendix ruptured) and allow myself to wallow and lose focus and I gained it all back. But I tell you, if I could do it once I can and will do it again! It's all about positive habit building. The one thing I've learned through all of my experiences is: Don't use making a mistake as an excuse to throw away all your progress! Just accept that it's okay as long as you keep trying to be healthier! Now if I can only learn to do that myself, I'll be set!
  • tinamatteson
    tinamatteson Posts: 125 Member
    Look in the mirror once a day and say to yourself "I am worth it! I am sick of this and am going to make a change"!

    Ohhh, good advice! I will do this myself!
  • I'm new here also! Feel free to add me, anyone!
  • I'm new and am looking to lose 25-35 pounds. I have lost and gained the same 25 pounds over and over again. I need so much help in the motivation department! I really need to make this work this time for me and most importantly for my health. I would like to drastically lower my blood pressure so that I can get off of my meds. Any help/encouragement would be so welcome ! Lets support each other =)
  • dhencel
    dhencel Posts: 244 Member
    And as you look in the mirror, you WILL see the little changes as you lose the pounds... You WILL then say, "it's worth it!".......and mean it.....And then you will say, "I AM WORTH IT!"

    Add me to your friends.....my mirror and I are good friends.....
  • BBoros
    BBoros Posts: 67 Member
    Hi, I am a good listener, even though I don't have all the answers. I love to make new friends and I am a good motivator to others [just not myself]. So add me as a friend and we can help each other.

    "Enjoy the process of reaching your health goals." Start with small goals that can be reached easily, perhaps each week. This will give you motivation to take the next step...those small steps will add up quickly. ~UNKNOWN
  • darlin930
    darlin930 Posts: 283 Member
    Feel free to add me, if you'd like :smile:

    Welcome to the site! :flowerforyou: