beutlerr Member


  • The healthy choice fudge bars from Costco are pretty good - 100 calories - 5 grams fiber - low fat etc. Surely full of chemicals but does take the chocolate craving away.
  • Amazing results! Were you able to re-introduce carbs into your diet? How many grams of carbs do/did you consume to reach this result? To maintain?
  • I had the fitbit for 90 days but took it back since it seemed cumbersome to remember and keep in my pocket. I was also afraid I would lose it. I did like the stair function - I will probably get the nike fuelband when I can buy it for the normal price. My dietition has told me NOT to count the calories I exercise and more…
  • I appreciate the insights and recipes - I need to watch my blood sugar and so have gone super low card ~50g for 2 weeks then will build them back to a reasonable level - The fitnesspal RDA was something like 350 carbs per day which has got to be too much! Anyone have experience adding reasonable levels of carbs where they…