

  • i have to say really fast that i owe a thank you to all my new budds sometimes i think if it wasnt for the people i have met on the boards during my weight loss i wouldnt have the ump i need to keep going its wonderfull to know that your not alone and your not the only one out there that has hard times but picks themselves…
    in THE LUV!! Comment by kerri05 March 2009
  • looks like all is workin well ..welcome im a newbie 2 feel free to stop in and say hi enjoy the day .....kerri Created by - Free Calorie Counter
    in newbie Comment by kerri05 March 2009
  • just popin in to overveiw the day lol ate well all day i never really have a problem with the whole intake thing its just i been told its not enough so thts something ill have to work at.Didnt workout to day due to the fact that tomarrow is the start of my 30 day burn it up plan!! my coach has set me up with a workout…
  • thank for your support as far as whom i am lol im the mother on the right thats my daughter with the darker hair .ty for saying i look like im think lmao kiss hugg kisss u made my day .but i have a wayz to go so thanks agian for bringing a smile to my face and hope to add ya as a pal and chat it up sometime ........ kerri
  • hi all my name is kerri and im a newbie to this site was told about it from my new coach whom is helping me save my life and learn to be able to live it to its fullest,im spunky ,fun,outgoing,jokster,and used to be called the life of any party over the last few yaers now so much iv allowed myself to become so overwhelmed…