

  • Congrats and welcome you can definately lose and get toned in 3 months, just stay motivated and if there is any questions about exercise and tips for anything if i can help i will add if you want.
  • work the core alot, a good excersize for this is flutterkicks or scissor kicks, cruches everyday. even a small jog start small and get to 1 mile per day, each day wil help
    in Loose skin Comment by Glact March 2012
  • Milk is great for a drink but shouldnt be a recovery drink or even 30 mins after a workout, milk actually limits the amount of recovery, i dont know the complete science behind it so this might not sound official but in a nut shell and in my own words it basically limits the amount of muscle recovery by blocking almost the…
  • i did this and i found that running on a treadmill was completely different than running outside. i would increase my incline to 3 and run at about 7 i was doing great on a treadmill, but when i did actaully hit the pavement i started getting shin splints and I found it signifcantly more difficult running outside. most of…
  • Olivia Wilde... Georgeous!
  • Dont give up, if you are exercising that much your body may be getting stronger, i know it can be frustrating to see that when you are trying to lose weight your actually gaining. but keep it up for about two weeks until your body gets use to the change in lifestyle, your muscles will adapt and you will no longer gain as…
  • I have no problem if my significant other would want to go to a strip club with me or without me, I do believe that you are with that one person but i also do belive it is hard to expect one person to fill all your needs. with that being said i have never cheated but i think that going out and with friends, strip clubs,…