

  • lol katie, i wish i lived by you, then we could be walking buddies!!! I'm not working or in school right now, but i kind of enjoy it LOL I told andrew i would only work part time, because he needs to realize that he is the head of the house, not me haha. just try to jog in place for five or ten minutes, you'll be surprised…
  • I love that light house picture!
  • You look amazing! Is it really as simple as this website makes it? it tells you how many calories to eat and burn and that's how i'll lose weight? I've just started this website, so far I like it, but I'm not all positive if it's as easy as that.
  • My name is Sarah, I have about 140 pounds to lose, my goal is to lose 100 pounds, i'm not sure when I want to lose it by, I just know I want to lose it!! All year I have been avoiding fast food, and have been successful, I have not had any all year! But I'm getting a head start on next years new years resolution which is…
  • I have more than 100 pounds to lose, but for now 100 is my goal! I'm 6'0 and 320 pounds, everyone sugar coats it and says that it's okay because I'm tall. But i know it's not okay because people keep asking when my baby is due LOL im not pregnant! So at the start of this year my new years resolution was to have NO fast…