Hello I'm new.

amatronsangel Posts: 11
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Today will be my third day on myfitnesspal. I have 80 pounds I want to lose by February 2011.


  • atomicmom
    atomicmom Posts: 4 Member
    This website is a great tool. Both my husband and i have been using it and counting our calories. As long as you are truthful with yourself you will succeed.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    this site is great. There are alot of people on here that will help motivate you and encourage you. You can do it. Just stick with it and dont give up. You might find it is easier to break it down into smaller goals . I am concentrating on the first 20lb then when I loose that I will worry about the next 20. Looking at the big picture can sometimes be overwhelming.
  • lisalynn35
    lisalynn35 Posts: 250 Member
    Welcome! I am a walking billboard for this website! It has been such an amazing tool for me, I hope it is for you too.
  • well, today is my first day and im not sure how this will really work. I do know that it is working for my friend who has lost over 17 lbs. "Way to go girlfriend" oh by the way thanks.
  • My name is Sarah, I have about 140 pounds to lose, my goal is to lose 100 pounds, i'm not sure when I want to lose it by, I just know I want to lose it!! All year I have been avoiding fast food, and have been successful, I have not had any all year! But I'm getting a head start on next years new years resolution which is to exercise regularly, and to learn how to eat healthy. I understand it's not a diet, it's a life style change! Developing these new habits are difficult, but im thankful I found this website because i feel like im actually accountable for how well I do now. It even stops me from eating a handful of gold fish crackers lol cuz im even embarassed that I'd have to admit to it! So it helps me to not eat the food if im going to have to look at the written account of it at the end of the day!
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