

  • I'm starting easy with just a mile or 2 walk with the dog and baby a few times a week. If it's rainy then the elliptical. I did Zumba before pregnancy and that stuff kicked my butt!! Maybe I can get into that once I'm in a bit better shape :)
  • Hi all! My name is Colleen and I'm 33. I had the most beautiful little girl, Fiona, on May 18th. Through the magic of breastfeeding I've lost the pregnancy weight (yay!), but I'm out of shape and I needed to lose weight before I got pregnant. Even though I hit my pre-pregnancy weight, I can only fit into one pair of…
  • I'm back to my pre-pregnancy weight, but I was about 20lbs over what I wanted to be when I got pregnant. I'm shooting for 165 and I've been stuck around 180-185.