kelso021 Member


  • Started Push circuits this week - oh my stars! Mind you, starting doing squats with 12.5kg (27lb) and realising they were too light? Awesome! And my shoulders are much stronger than I expected. Can't wait to see the definition by the end of this four week block.
  • Week 3, just finished BC2 and it hurts to pick up a cup of tea. I'm finding though that I've been able to up my weights by at least 1kg from week 1. I've been substituting gym cardio and Zumba for the cardio sessions which seems to be working a treat. That deadlift with double row (palms out)? Kills me every week! It's…
  • Hey ladies! Wish I'd seen this last week, I just restarted CLX again. I only made it to the end of the Burn phase last time, I'm going the whole way this time! Totally loving it, I'm on my second week, lifting Mon/Wed/Fri so tomorrow is Burn Circuit 2. Lots and lots of deadlifts going on in there! My favourite is BC3.
  • I've just joined, feel free to add me! kelso021