

  • :wink: :heart: Hi Sam ! Nice t meet you. First thing take it one day at a time. You have already made the first step. Try not to put to much pressure on yourself. Start with little things like drinking lots of water. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. Cut fried foods if you can. I have a weakness for fried food so every…
  • Hello my name is April and I read your story. Please don't let it bother you like that. Take it one day at a time. To make up for going over your calories just exercise for an extra 10 or 15 minutes to burn it off. I have just started on this journey myself . I have been having a tongue wrestling match with food for 40yrs.…
  • Yes I think so. Just to be on the safe side just donate them to charity...I'm sure there is a person in need who has just a little less than you who would love to have them.