alderman59 Member


  • I keep it at 78 during the day and 76 at night. Remember...the oven really adds to your cooling load so avoid turning that on when you are running the ac.
  • Very hot but I think it has more flavor than typical hot sauce.
  • I use it as a reward. If I work out on the treadmill (fast walk 2-3 miles) I can have a Lindt truffle or a small Halloween sized treat. They run around 80 calories so I have a net loss of about 300 calories. For me it is a way to not give up something I love and still not sabotage all my hard work.
  • Cut the recipe in half and consider it 3-4 servings. A 6 oz. chicken breast is a lot for one serving. Then eat a big side salad with no dressing.
  • If you are eating oatmeal twice a day I would be concerned about not getting enough nutrients. Oatmeal is a great filler but you really need the protein and greens for a balanced diet.
  • I can gain a couple pounds in a week if I don't watch things and have a lot of social stuff going on. What I have found works best is to adhere to my calorie level and exercise during the week and the weekend I can do pretty much what I want.both in exercise and food department. This is maintenance for me.
  • This will be good since I need to be accountable. Too easy for me to talk myself out of it after a hard day of work. It does make a huge difference for me in losing weight to walk since I sit at a desk or in meetings about 80% of my time.
  • Count me in. I need to get rid of those last 10 pounds.
  • It is winter here so that means homemade hearty soups. Today it is chicken vegetable with lots of veggies including spinach and kale, homemade parmesean peppercorn bread and blackberries. I try to make homemade soup every weekend, share it with family or friends and eat it for 2 or 3 lunches during the week.
  • I take in the hips and upper thigh portion so that they are a little slimmer. It is pretty simple to do since you only do the outside seem about 1/4"-1/2". One full size is about 3/4"-1" less in most women's clothing. It makes a difference and you don't feel so sloppy.
  • I snack on fruit and vegetables all day long. I am a grazer so I eat a little every hour and avoid any large meal at work. Noon time I walk the stairs or go for a walk outside (weather dependent). When you go for a quick restroom break go to another floor and run the stairs.
  • Count me in I've been slacking, gained 2 lbs on vacation and need to get back into the groove. Nothing better than to be focused over the holidays!
  • Don't be "grazing" around the appetizers. Also eat an apple or bannana just before you go so you aren't so hungry. Have on plate and don't heap it up. For dessert bring some good tea, coffee or whatever you like to drink. You can still have a dessert. Limit it to 1/2 of serving and then go for a walk or go help with…
  • In terms of lbs, I felt and saw a difference 10-15, my friends noticed 15-20. It took 25 lbs and going from a a tight size 12 to a loose size 10 or 8 for most people to say something.
  • Remember this is a marathon not a sprint. You need to train yourself to eat the right things and not starve yourself. One thing that I find worked well is grazing. I eat every two hours or so and don't go over my 1200 calories and very seldom feel hunger. I munch on fruit in the car on my commute home and then when I get…
  • I put in a splash (1 oz) of unsweetened cherry juice. It is only 18 cals and really helps kick up the flavor of water. I also put it in club soda.
  • For me it was 20. As far as them giving you a hard time....I am a grazer and eat very little in the evening so most of my calories are consumed at work. I have had several people comment that I always am snacking on stuff. The thing they fail to notice is that it is fruit and veggies not Snickers and chips.
  • I broke my ankle 5 years ago and that was the beginning of my weight gain....I let it get out of control. 5 years later I had to lose 25. Don't let this happen to you. It is much easier to watch what you eat and do as much upper body as you can. I know your arms are probably sore from crutches but push through it. Shoot to…
  • I also had the 1200 and found that I could graze all day and avoided eating "meals". Result is that I lost 25 and very seldom was hungry. Make sure you use the calories wisely...protein, veggies and fruits with an occassionaly treat of a cocktail or sweet. I seldom eat a meal except when I go out. I have found that eating…
  • Ditto on doing research about the company. I have been on numerous interview panels and hired people individually. I am always impressed when the individual answers a question or asks a question that is specifically related to the company. Shows that they cared enough to check things out. Introduce yourself with a…
  • I have been anemic and also have low B12. I have a "fixed" breakfast during weekdays. M,W, F I have a serving of tuna, 1/3 cup celery ,1 tsp of salad dressing (you don't need mayo) on a toasted thin bun. T, TH I have scrambled eggs (1 egg, 1 egg white) and 2-3 cups of spinach (microwave for 1 minute) with a thin bagel.…
  • I prefer steel cut oatmeal....very nutty taste and you don't need to add all the sweetener. You can cook up several servings at one time in a large bowl in the microwave (50%) power and it keeps in the frig for days. Eat it with some berries or banana, reduce the artificial sweeteners.