talyho Member


  • Please read with an open mind. The post did not say like alcohol or heroine. Don't read more into it. They are reaching out for help and understanding, and if you can't contribute in a helpful way to that particular post, keep reading until you find one you can. Clearly you are not a food addict like many of us are, or you…
  • I just started again too, and I need to lose 50+ lbs myself. So yes, let's add each other and keep each other accountable! I'm game!
  • Great advice. Now think on this. There is no need to think up an excuse. That just adds pressure. You haven't done anything wrong, you recognize a need for change, so just do it. No need to confess to your husband and risk making him think its more than it is, and really interfere with his friendship and/or comfort level…