

  • Oh my!!! You have inspired me so much I started my weight loss journey on January 26 of this year and I have lost 48 pounds so far. You look incredible and you are so beautiful before and after. I am so glad that I came across your post this morning I was starting to feel like it was just too much work. Seeing your pics.…
  • Yep know what you all mean. After the birth of my second child I was so proud that I was actually loseing the 'baby' weight that I made a comment in front of my dad on loseing the weight faster this time around. His reply lose 50 more and I will buy you an outfit if you think that you can not outgrow it in a week. Then…
  • Thanks!!! Yeah the girl I walk with says she needs longer legs to keep up with me and she is like 6 inches taller than me..lol...
  • Thank you that does help. I really try to leave my exercise calories, sometimes I do better than others, I hope that is what I am suppose to do I am really just figuring these things out.
  • Hi John, I kinda know how you feel my dad and my little brother are truckers and my older brother was a long time ago. They are all overweight and I have watched them try to lose too. They are just always so tired after being in the truck all day that they drop in bed. But things will change this is a wonderful group and I…
  • Yes dear I know how you feel. For years I would cry if I saw a scale and when I would go to the doc. I would close my eyes and ask them not to tell me. But we are all here for each other and I will add you I love making new friends on here it really has helped keep me on track. You will see it will you too, remember we are…
  • We all slip here and there girl. But with this group we are learning from each other and with the support we will start slipping less and less, until we just don't even miss those things. You are doing great and a Big CONGRATS on your weight loss this week that is AWESOME!!!
  • Question for you guys? When i go walking I ususally walk 5 miles in 1 hour and 5-10 minutes. What mph do I log that as. I think i walk fast but not sure. I have been putting it as 3.5mph. But if i walk 5 in an hour should it actually go as 5mph instead?
  • Question for you guys? When i go walking I ususally walk 5 miles in 1 hour and 5-10 minutes. What mph do I log that as. I think i walk fast but not sure. I have been putting it as 3.5mph. But if i walk 5 in an hour should it actually go as 5mph instead?
  • Woo Hoo 7 ounces down which is a total of 2 pounds for the week..I forgot and weighed in wed. too..lol... But the best of all is I measured today and from January to now I have taken 6 inches off my waist...YAY... I hope everyone has a wonderful day. remember to dance for chillrose!!! Thanks everyone for all the wonderful…
  • Thank you so much I am so proud of her she is so excited. She has just been at this school a couple of years but she has made some really good friends there. I love thesupport for the both of us. chillrose on the issue with your daughter I know how that is. I watched my mom and dad go through that with my older brother. It…
  • Thanks so much!!! I think that I will have to plan on the extra exercise I like my handywork to good sometimes..lol... Thanks for my baby girl too she is way excited over this it is her last year at the school and the festival is a big deal!!
  • Ok guys I am going to need some strength. My daughter came home today and told me she was voted by her classmates to run for queen in the annual festival that her school has. Well this is going to involve alot of baking, cookies, candy, brownies, etc.. I made 2 pans of brownies tonight to send tomorrow and this goes on for…
  • Hey there hope everyone is haveing a good morning and a great week so far. I am so excited about this group looks like we are all on a good road to being healthy. I love the support from you guys. I just joined mfp thursday and I am still learning where everything is..lol.. I just found my way back to the group today and I…
  • That is just too funny..I neede a laugh and that was a good one!!!!!!!!!!
  • I just joined this site and my goal is to lose 100 pounds and so far I have lost 43 pounds. But it is getting harder and I am finding myself in need of support. My family have been great with this but it is hard to be supportive when you struggle with weight issues like so many in my family do. So I hope that I can find…