tron3002 Member


  • Sdereski... Wow! A bear! I've seen them where I leave but never while out of the safety of my car. Glad it didn't notice you. Beeps... I'd like to say I'll join you on your challenge but if I'm being honest I'd probably not make it very far. I will certainly try though! :smile: Today I did the turbo jam Ab program... Not…
  • ferff3.... I just got the program and have only done the 20 minute workout so far but I like it. Its not too terribly hard like P90X and so far it seems like something I can reasonably do after work to get back into the habit of exercising. I'll let ya know how the other parts of the program are after I do them....
  • Beeps... How awesome is it to have a personal trainer. But I agree, he should be listening to you. My dog is allergic to the weeds that pop up in spring and sense we had to cut down a couple trees there's even more! The poor thing had a rash all over his body last night. And the pad on his paw swelled up. That never…
  • Today was my husbands birthday. Made him a nice breakfast before he had to go to work and got him a gift card for Lowes. Its so generic of a gift but I swear he's so hard to shop for. Every tool he owns! I got my mothers day gift from my daughter today.... Turbo jam! So I did the 20 minute workout. This seems like a…
  • Walked 5 miles... Not too bad for not doing anything in such a long time! I need to find some shoes that aren't so hot my feet and hand swell so bad when I get hot. Alf... Congrats on your son graduating. It's kinda amazing how many students that went to grade school with my children didn't graduate. Hope your mother…
  • HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE! :flowerforyou: MKWOOD.... Good to see you. It's gotta be so hard for you having your husband gone for so long. I never see my husband except for maybe a half hour before bed but at least he's around. I don't know how you do it. So I woke up this morning, took the dogs out, made coffee, then sat down…
  • My daughter called... She started bleeding, went to the ER and that dr told her she was never pregnant. Kinda funny considering she's already been to a dr and she was. Either way, she's not pregnant anymore. Very sad. I'm not feeling very well today. Not a good thing considering I have split days off. Today and Sun.…
  • It looks like I will be working full time the next couple of weeks with split days off. We will see how my energy level suffers from this. But the pay check will be nice. Lpcoder.... Thats a great story. We seem to get so caught up in our size that we forget to be proud of how much we've accomplished health wise.…
  • Welcome brainandgirt!!! Beeps... Do you actually pocket the money? I would! :laugh: actually I'm thinking about starting an exercise jar. Every time I exercise I put some cash in it and save up for something I want. Guess it's one way to motivate yourself. Alf.... My brother and his wife are doing pretty good. They moved…
  • Thanks for the birthday wishes! :flowerforyou: Alf... I would rather have inches gone than weight any day!:smile: Beeps... Great job on the workout! :happy: Yesterday my workout consisted of shoveling the 2 ft of snow off my driveway. My lower back is killing me today. Work was great. I was late due to the emergency break…
  • Hope you all having a fantastic weekend. It's snowed quite a lot last night, 2 ft and still snowing. Guess winter finally decided to make an appearance. :smile: I love my new job. My boss is so nice and I'm able to do a lot more by myself. I've even done a couple of easy tax returns. My only issue is trying to get my…
  • Oh ya... I forgot to let ya all know. I'm gonna Be a grandma in November! Crazy to think about just wish she lived closer.....
  • Hi everyone.... Hope all is well with you all. Thank you Swiss for checking in on me. Your very sweet! (((HUGS))) I did miss all of you I've just been caught up in my new job and getting used to the new morning hours. I have never in my life been a morning person. Add to that my lack of energy equals a very tired girl.…
  • Sorry I've been missing for a while.... We sold two houses in Nevada. One was sold while we were still in process of working on it (not even on the market yet) and they wanted it done so they could move in in a week! Really?!!!! So we spent extra time over there finishing that. Then last week I walked into my tax…
  • We are almost to the end of this thread and we just started it? Wow! I'm totally out of the loop! I was in Nevada from Sun-Fri (4am sat morning) last week working then back this week from Sun-Tues night working. I caught my husbands cold while I was there too.... Thanks for sharing hubby! :laugh: Started shakeology.... So…
  • Duffy.... It's so great to hear from you. I'm so happy to hear that you feeling better. Alf... The group is huge! But that's great! Welcome to this thread to everyone I don't know.... I have been extremely busy this January.... But that's good. We had inspections on the house we renovated in Nevada which the pest ppl said…
  • Woah! Have I really been gone so lo g that not only do we have a new thread but we are on page 4 already! Thank you alf for starting the new thread and to Chris for leaving a link to it. It made things so much easier to find you all. I just got back from Nevada so I will try to catch up on all the posts.
  • Happy new year everyone.... So glad the holidays are over Chris... My husband actually does that to me. Two years ago when I started to lose the weight he would come home and hand me a candy bar saying he thought of me today.... Sweet but weird. He hasn't done that in 20 years. Alf... Considering how long it's been…
  • I will join your challenge group. =]
  • Just wanted to take some time and wish you all a very merry Christmas! You all have been such an inspiration to me and I appreciate every single one of you! Yesterday I spent the day with my daughter celebrating Christmas a little early sense both her and her dad have to work Christmas day. We had a lovely breakfast and…
  • I had to take my son to the dr to get his stitches out today. Last night he got all these red dots all over his belly, chest, and lower back. This morning it spread to his neck, face, and arms (I didn't check lower). First thing I thought of was staph infection. Turns out the kid has German measles! Reallyy?!!!! Guess its…
  • Had to take my son to see the surgeon today. He was coughing the other day and said it hurt his incision near his belly button. Yesterday he said it felt like a burning sensation, and today he was throwing up. They checked to make sure nothing was protruding out which was painful for my poor son then told me he probable…
  • Lady Persia .... Happy anniversary! Chris..I've been told that its supposed to be a harder workout switching from the treadmill to the outside world....don't know if that's true or not. I finally got out and did some Xmas shopping today... Every year I swear I'm gonna start way before Xmas and every year I don't and regret…
  • It posted twice... Guess that makes up for yesterday! :laugh:
  • I tried to post on here yesterday but as soon as I hit post reply my server went down... :ohwell: Thank you for asking about my son. He is well, and out of the hospital. We caught it early so his appendix wasn't even close to rupturing which made everything a little bit easier on him.... Right now he's sore which he…
  • Spent the day at the hospital. My son woke up complaint about stomach pains. You could tell he was in pain. Took him to the hospital and sure enough it was appendicitis. Good thing he's still covered under our insurance.
  • mkwood.... I'm sorry to hear that your husband is leaving again.... It seems like he just got back. And your daughter leaving she the last one still at home? I think you need a huge (((((HUG))))) Alf... How many days a week do you teach zumba? It seems like you have a lot of classes. Chris.... I just wanted to say…
  • We finally got our power back on Sunday night around 10pm. Yay!!! Still no cell service which isn't a big deal but I do like texting better than talking on the phone.... I actually despise talking on the phone. Went to Nevada to start the eviction process on someone who hasn't paid rent in the last two months. I feel…
  • I got P90X, insanity, and hip hop abs. I was gonna get started on the 1st of this month but we had a huge wind storm, 94mph winds that knocked down trees every where. I live in a forest area with tons of 100 ft + tall pines, etc. One fell on my neighbors house pinning her on her couch destroying her house I doubt they will…
  • Just wanted to take a moment to wish you all a very happy thanksgiving. I am very thankful for each and every one of you for being so supportive on our weight loss/fitness journey.