what you need to do is to move on! you can't beat yourself up and you definitely cannot make yourself miserable. your body isn't going to get off track and pack on pounds just from one slip up! keep your head up. sounds like you are doing a great job!!! remember, weight loss is a process and a journey. it's not a race! YOU…
everything @7lbtogo
ahhh, i almost forgot tecmo bowl. Question: I used to back the QB as far as he could go, then throw the ball the length of the field. Was that actually necessary to throw the ball that far?
fresh fish fresh brussel sprouts bell peppers mushrooms and lots of Propel!!
welcome to the show!! congrats on making a decision to start somewhere! i just encourage you to remember that diet and exercise go hand in hand and don't get too discouraged if results don't happen as soon as you would like. it's a journey, and there's a whole bunch of people on it WITH YOU!!! don't be afraid of posting…
YES!! still looking for a job there
i forgot about those huge platform no-heel "high-heel" shoes....eeeeeeww
women: long acrylic nails and/or face piercings. men: either tight or sagging clothes. is it really all that hard to find clothes that fit?
1. to have a daughter ( i have 2) 2. to live in the UK (looking for a job, so we can move) 3. to play a musical instrument
haha, i totally forgot about "salute"!!! i loved that show
famliy matters...or step by step anything after 1999 shouldn't be considered
i was fitted for proper running shoes last week. i was told the main reason not to make our shoes too tight is because during exercise, our feet will swell. it's just a natural process of the extra blood flow and heart rate. when we loosen up our laces a bit, our shoes should naturally tighten as we exercise, and fit…
@jelly: YES!!!
Linking Park - "Crawling"
you're awesome!
she's asking why because she knows a couple and is curious. i don't believe her motives or curiousity are at all trivial or intrusive. perhaps she's using this platform to gain that perspective because she would be uncomfortable asking the people she knows. perhaps she's trying to get third party perspective so she doesn't…
what i fail to understand is why when someone is curious of a topic, so many people reply with either to mind your own business or why do you care? what's is so wrong with the OP wanting open discussion to gain some perspective? she's not using the question to poke or jab at people. she's just looking for some dialogue to…
girl there is nothing ugly about you! keep up the good work!!
hi :)
@ Eireroisin, you're rockin that current pic....great smile!
appreciate that, but that's not the issue. maybe my question came out wrong...i'm fine, that life is gone. i'd just like to forget it and never reminisce anymore.
"All My Life" was the dance song at senior prom.