jsquash Member


  • You might have a gluten allergy. Most high carb items such as breads and things of that nature have a lot of gluten, and you can feel sick after you eat it. A freind of mine felt kind of sick all the time after eating certain things ( not fever type sick, but bloated and have to go to the bathroom right away icky feeling)…
  • I think it has a very mild taste. If you like summer squash or zucchinni you will probably like it. It doesn't taste like spaghetti noodles, so don't expect it to, but it tastes good with toppings you would put on pasta. I cut my squash in half, scoop out the seeds and any loose strings, put a little olive oil on it, cover…
  • I'm not ripped, but since I've lost some weight my boobs have shrunk dramatically. I was a 36DD and now I'm a 34C at best. And I only lost 25lbs. And the worst is that they do become kind of deflated looking, since there's not as much volume there to fill out your skin. This is the absolutely worst part of losing weight…
  • http://nutrition.mcdonalds.com/getnutrition/ingredientslist.pdf
  • bump for later
  • You can add me, I am eating 1600 calories right now, which is my TDEE -20%. I was thinking about upping it some as I've seen it work for so many people on here to get past their plateau. I have been at a plateau now for about 3 months at 150. I was at 170 after having my 2nd baby 10 months a go, but since I got down to 150…
  • Whoo hoo! Way to go!
    in So excited! Comment by jsquash June 2013
  • I've been using the Bolthouse creamy yogurt dressings, I love the ranch and honey mustard. They are around 45 calories for 2 tablespoons, and I think they are delecious. They are the best low cal versions of these dressings that I've tasted. I think they have a french too, but I haven't tried that one yet. They are in the…
  • If you go on bodybuilding.com you can find some different weight lifting routines. You can click on the different exercises and they have videos that will show you how to perform them if you are unsure. I've done Jamie Eason's 12 week livefit trainer and I really liked the results I got from it.
  • I kinda wish this was my problem, I seem to be stuck right where I'm at :(
  • I am trying to do this too. I have only done it 3 days sporadically over the last week so far. I was telling myself this morning that I am going to buckle down and do this every morning before work until I have done the whole 30 days, starting today. The only time I have to do the program is on the weekdays before work. I…
  • I think there is a law here in California that requires restaurants to post nutritional information. I worked at a restarant a while back and they out of the blue made these nutritional info pamphlets, to comply with the law when it was passed.
  • I'm 5'6 and weigh 150. I would like to get to 140-135, but it's very tough!
  • I'm 155 right now, and I'm a DD, but I've been down to 130ish and they became a C! And what sucks the most is if your not blessed with really nice tight skin your boobs get saggier because of the extra skin from losing the weight. I was most self concious about my boobs when I lost all that weight, I looked hot everywhere…
  • The same thing happened to my freind when she had a consultation with a personal trainer. She came home in tears. He had her do all these 'fitness tests' which were things that are super hard for ANYBODY to do, even super fit people, so she could barely do them and told her all sorts of bs to in general just make her feel…
  • You have your MFP set at 1200 calories to lose weight, so thats what you have to net. If you burn 1000, and you didn't eat any of those calories back you would only be netting 200, and that's not enough fuel to keep your body going. If you don't exercise at all, you eat 1200 and lose weight. If you burn off 500 calories,…
  • I looked at your food diary and I think you might have doubled up on some enteries on the day I saw that you reached over 4,000 calories. I saw many of the same things that were on your breakfast enteries that were also on your lunch enteries. Are you sure your really eating that much and maybe not making an error entering…