No Carbs for weight loss???



  • Im probally just going to to gluten free now
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Im probally just going to to gluten free now
    sounds like a good compromise for now. Good luck and hope it works out for you!
  • Im probally just going to to gluten free now
    sounds like a good compromise for now. Good luck and hope it works out for you!
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    Has anyone stopped eating carbs and had a successful weight loss?
    Im just wondering because i stopped eating carbs and lost 10lbs but when ever i eat carbs i feel sick for at least two days and Im just wondering if anyone is having those same problems and what they did to prevent getting sick from eating carbs?

    The study has been posted here before - there is no evidence that people on low-glycemic-index diets lose any more weight than those not.

    So there is nothing magical about a low-carb diet that leads to weight loss. The key to weight loss is maintaining a calorie deficit. You can do this eating nothing but carbs if you wanted to - there was a professor who lost weight eating only Twinkies and other snack cakes.

    That said, there can be benefits to a low-carb diet.

    First of all, the primary reason why people lose weight on a "low carb" diet is because by cutting out sources of carbs from their diet they are probably cutting out calorie-dense foods from their diet. Just avoiding bread alone with meals can be a big calorie savings.

    Second of all, it has also been shown clinically that by eating more protein you can help mitigate feelings of hunger. So if you offset your carb intake with protein it can make it easier to stick with a diet since you won't feel so hungry.

    As for feeling sick, any time you throw your digestive system a quirky change in diet it can make you feel sick. For example, last night I took my kids to Dairy Queen to celebrate a good spelling test. I rarely eat ice cream. After eating a blizzard, I had an upset stomach for the rest of the night.

    It's probably not anything inherently bad in the ice cream, and I doubt I have developed any kind of dairy intolerance. It's probably just that my body isn't used to such a rich food these days.

  • brucedelaney
    brucedelaney Posts: 433 Member
    The study has been posted here before - there is no evidence that people on low-glycemic-index diets lose any more weight than those not.

    So there is nothing magical about a low-carb diet that leads to weight loss. The key to weight loss is maintaining a calorie deficit. You can do this eating nothing but carbs if you wanted to - there was a professor who lost weight eating only Twinkies and other snack cakes.

    That said, there can be benefits to a low-carb diet.

    First of all, the primary reason why people lose weight on a "low carb" diet is because by cutting out sources of carbs from their diet they are probably cutting out calorie-dense foods from their diet. Just avoiding bread alone with meals can be a big calorie savings.

    Second of all, it has also been shown clinically that by eating more protein you can help mitigate feelings of hunger. So if you offset your carb intake with protein it can make it easier to stick with a diet since you won't feel so hungry.

    As for feeling sick, any time you throw your digestive system a quirky change in diet it can make you feel sick. For example, last night I took my kids to Dairy Queen to celebrate a good spelling test. I rarely eat ice cream. After eating a blizzard, I had an upset stomach for the rest of the night.

    It's probably not anything inherently bad in the ice cream, and I doubt I have developed any kind of dairy intolerance. It's probably just that my body isn't used to such a rich food these days.


    I agree with this 100%

    You can lose weight with any combination of macros as long as the calories in are less then the calories out.

    What I don't agree with is individuals stating you HAVE TO do it this way or the other. The number one problem most people have with weight loss and keeping it off is usually adherence. If you can't maintain the diet plan you set out to follow that creates a deficit you'll never succeed.

    Find a plan that fits your lifestyle that you know you can maintain and all will be well.

    Going gluten free is certainly a viable option for anyone, but I wouldn't just go gluten free and then start eating gluten free brownies and pizza and all of the other boxed gluten free replacements... Stick to the whole foods that don't have gluten in them naturally like fresh meats, fish, fowl, fruit and veggies.
  • jsquash
    jsquash Posts: 19 Member
    You might have a gluten allergy. Most high carb items such as breads and things of that nature have a lot of gluten, and you can feel sick after you eat it. A freind of mine felt kind of sick all the time after eating certain things ( not fever type sick, but bloated and have to go to the bathroom right away icky feeling) and she went to the doctor and found she had a gluten allergy.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,173 Member
    Carbs are in just about everything except protein so no carbs is next to impossible to implement. I wouldn't want to try it. Low carb is very doable.....low meaning around 100g's a day or so.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    LOW carb not NO carb
    Quoted for clarity.

    Before eliminating an entire macro, you should have a better understanding of macros.
  • I get tired and cranky going low carb. I am for 150-200 grams per day and an occasional spike. My sources are fruit, oatmeal, brown rice, yams. I steer away from gluten but am not 100% GF.
    I also try to time them around workout- pre and post workout, and post post workout. I have very few carbs at bed snack.

    One other important thing to consider is when I went low carb, I upped my fat WAY too much, which was too high in calories!
  • my aunt is gluten intolerance and went ever she is in town she lets me try her gluten free foods and i dont feel sick after eating it but when i eat not gluten i feel sick so yeah