

  • Pork is also all over Memphis, TN! I went there for a long weekend and gained 6 pounds.
  • I watched this report also. Dr. Lustig's generalized view that sugar is killing us is true, BUT the context is wrong. He's not educating people, he's just fear mongering. The problem is that we are eating too much sugar because we have a food industry that insists on using cheap, artificial ingredients. Also, the food…
  • Its normal to be somewhat sore after a workout, but you shouldn't be in pain. If you're in pain, your body is in trouble so stop working out. If you are sore, then you may need to do some things: 1) Decrease the time you take to workout. You may be exercising for too long 2) Decrease the intensity of your workout. You may…
  • The big problem here is lack of exercise. My friends and I grew up on school lunch and junk food - but we were always physically active. We had gym once a week but lunch recess every day. We were always at the park after school. Also, we didnt' have endless video games and 200+ cable channels at our disposal either.…
  • weigh yourself in the morning - and about once a week. don't weigh yourself after a workout.
  • too many carbs = weight gain. if your body is digesting too much glucose, it turns into fat if its not burned off. also if too many carbs are "simple" (i.e. white rice, white bread, white flour) digest to sugar very quickly in your body. complex carbs (i.e. whole grains, oats) provide energy that carbs are intended for in…
  • the atkins diet is only a short term solution. also, the problem with that diet is high cholesterol due to the large amounts of protein. dr atkins' focus was only on the weight, but his diet never considers the overall health consequences.
  • 1. Are they allergies/sinuses? 2. Are you drinking enough water? Headaches can be a sign of dehydration. 3. How long have the headaches been occurring?