

  • congrats new mom! i can't help on the tracking information....but i do want to recommend a dvd for you - "jillian roberts 30 day shred" the workouts are 30 minutes and you'll do 3 sets of the following: 3 minutes of strength training, 2 minutes of cardio and 1 minute ab. what's cool about it is that she combines large…
  • welcome! i'm new too. took me a minute to figure out how to log my own food, but once i mastered that, i'm a little obsessed with the site. everytime i put something in my mouth, i want to log in! and i have never NEVER given a crap about calories before.
  • it's in your food because it's cheap. period. i really try to avoid anything artifically sweetened. the body will naturally regulate sugar intake. when you use artificial sweeteners without calories, you screw with your body's ability to self regulate and you will end up craving more sugar (and the associated calorie) than…