

  • I have some stretchy nylon Jockey boxer-briefs that I've been using for a while now. I just bought a pair of the Nike workout boxers (can't remember the actual name). For a long time I was just wearing my tri shorts for everything, since they're good for running, biking, and swimming. I'd usually do some running…
  • I'd be interested in hearing other people's takes on these races as well. I've signed up for Tough Mudder and Gladiator Rock 'n run this year, and once it becomes available, I'll be signing up for the Urbanathlon. These are all a far cry from what I'm used to. I've done about a dozen triathlons (sprint and olympic…
  • The nice thing about nuts is that because they're so high in calories you don't need to eat very much. I've found that a half-cup of almonds makes a decently filling snack. I'd also like to echo the suggestions to include some non-raisin dried fruits.
  • Yeah, there's no way to "target" a specific area for body fat loss. Mine usually comes from my arms and legs, leaving my back and midsection a little doughy.
  • Some friends from school and I are signed up for TM in Tahoe in September. Got plenty of time to train, but I'm worried about the altitude difference. Some great training advice here! Will definitely be working in some trail runs between now and then, and will likely be picking up a weighted vest at some point. In the…
  • I prefer to drink them after a workout, since that is when (I believe) your body is more receptive to protein to help build muscle. I have, on occasion, drank one prior to a race, simply because it was my "breakfast of choice" during training, and I didn't want to risk going with something new on race day.
  • The pull-up machine is nice, but along with the pull-down machine, it's easy to get into a rut with them where you cease raising the amount of weight you're lifting (or lowering the amount of counter-weight). I would highly recommend the "negative" pull-ups as mentioned before. Whenever I'm doing pull-ups, I'll do however…
  • This is why it drives me nuts when people (women, usually) base success strictly by the numbers seen on the scale. Muscle may weigh 3x as much as fat by volume, but it LOOKS better and also helps burn more calories in your day-to-day activities.