Tough Mudder anyone?



  • kvissy
    kvissy Posts: 205 Member
    Hi All,

    This year I will be competing the warrior dash, which is basically a 5km run with fun obstacles. Not too worried about that one.. but also thinking about doing the toughmudder. if you aren't sure what it is... its a half marathon with INTENSE obstacles like crawling through dark small tubes in freezing cold water, carrying tree trunks up hills, and a zillion others.. Just wondering if anyone else has done this race, and if so.. how did you like did you prepare for it... Its supposed to take about 3hours to complete.

    I've done Warrior Dash and considered it more fun than challenging. This year my friends and I are doing Rebel Race which is basically like Warrior Dash but it seems like there are more obstacles. I definitely wanted to sign up for Spartan Race (the 8mi one) and Tough Mudder later on this year though...I heard TM was absolutely insane.
  • lowellheddings
    lowellheddings Posts: 10 Member
    I'm doing the Warrior Dash in May this year. Will be my first time, looking forward to it!
  • gbsngrl
    gbsngrl Posts: 19 Member
    I did a Warrior Dash last summer and it was a blast. I was training for a half-marathon at the time so the course wasn't really that taxing, but definitely run on trails first before you tackle something like that. I even signed up for a trail 5k race a few weeks before. I'm doing a TM in April in's hoping its not miserably cold. I've been running 4 days a week and training 3 days a week, usually total-body circuits to up my stamina too. I also do 5 minute abs every morning because hey, who doesn't want hot abs?
  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member
    My husband is doing it in VT in a couple months... I haven't seen him do much training lol. But he seems not to train for anything... he runs like 5 miles at a time a few days a week - and prefers the treadmill. Yet he seems not to have a problem in any outdoor races or marathons doing this. I've never seen him seriously train. We'll see what happens in May! He HATES the cold and being cold and wet.
  • johnlatv
    johnlatv Posts: 654 Member
    Doing the one in PA in late April
  • Sackit
    Sackit Posts: 45 Member
    I am registered for the Warrior Dash, the Tough Mudder scares me.
  • batlou
    batlou Posts: 97 Member
    I did the Warrior Dash last year and I am hooked. Will do Tough Mudder Kentucky this year.

    The race will require a lot of upper body strength so back, arm and chest work are essential. The entire race is run off road, your ankles will take a beating if you are not currently spending some time on trails. Work in 1 or 2 trails runs a week and include some hill repeats.

    Last year I repeated a 1 mile loop at the park 4-5 times a couple of times each week. The workout took about 1-1:30 hours and included a lot of improvisation.

    Run 1/2 Mile Warmup
    Stop at Picnic Table for Dips, Push-ups, pull-ups on low tree branch
    1/4 Mile run
    Find picnic table and do step overs 50 times. (Just means climb up and over picnic table, turn around and repeat)
    1/4 Mile Run
    Drop and do Crunches
    1/4 Mile Sprint
    Repeat this 4 or 5 times.
  • katsmo
    katsmo Posts: 219 Member
    I would like to try this too, but not at this point. Honestly, I don't think I could do it. It's something I want to aspire to complete, later on in my journey. I am trying a Warrior Dash in August. Baby steps :)
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    i'm planning on doing tough mudder this september in tahoe.. i'm excited.. and scared :laugh:
  • quinto1025
    quinto1025 Posts: 53 Member
    Just signed up for New England in Mt. Snow.
  • revadiana
    revadiana Posts: 97 Member
    TM is on my bucket fitness list. I'll probably do the warrior dash first, and see how I do with that.

    It's on my fitness bucket list too.
  • Zalitharia
    Zalitharia Posts: 34 Member
    Just signed up for Tough Mudder Las Vegas 2012!!!
  • Eaglesfanintn
    Eaglesfanintn Posts: 813 Member
    I hadn't heard of Tough Mudder before - I am definitely signing up for one. There isn't one in Tennessee until next spring (2013), so I may have to travel somewhere to do one. Looks like a lot of fun - and by "fun" I mean "painful". :tongue:
  • captawesome
    captawesome Posts: 121 Member
    I've pre-registered for one here in Adelaide, Australia next year. This year is the first time Tough Mudder will be run in Oz but I don't know if I'll be ready in time. I'm SOOOO excited about it though! I'm currently doing insanity, then will move to P90X, P90X2 and running to build my endurance and strength. I also plan to do a couple of "fun runs" and possibly some triathlons in the meantime.

    I seem to have lost track of how many times I've watched that video on their website too :tongue:

    Is anyone else getting the tattoo at the end?? That's a hell yes for me!
  • jody664
    jody664 Posts: 397 Member
    A group of friends from work are doing the Mudathalon in Northern Kentucky in June. I must have lost my mind because I today decided to join them. Oy vey......what have I got myself into??
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    I'm doing the warrior dash next month.

    I am definitely interested in the Tough Mudder, but I know I won't be able to find anyone to do it with me. I would probably do the one in Austin in October. How the heck do I find a team?
  • I'm planning on doing Austin's Tough Mudder in October too!
  • Nook_
    Nook_ Posts: 6 Member
    i did the warrior dash this past october in CA which was fun... i want to do tough mudder next!
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    I'm planning on doing Austin's Tough Mudder in October too!

    Don't be surprised if I message you in a couple of months to see if I can join your team! Lol
  • Some friends from school and I are signed up for TM in Tahoe in September. Got plenty of time to train, but I'm worried about the altitude difference.

    Some great training advice here! Will definitely be working in some trail runs between now and then, and will likely be picking up a weighted vest at some point. In the meantime, I also signed up for Gladiator Rock 'n Run in May. It's less than half the distance, but with almost the same # of obstacles, so I figure it'll be good practice.