

  • I appreciate all of the tips and I will definatly try more cardio...ugh...unfortunatly it seems like that is one of the biggest keys.
  • The names we call them are funny. I don't know why I continue to call them lovehandles because there is nothing I love about them, however, the handle part is right. Now I think I may call them
  • Let me just say that you do have a good point but I have my own idea as to why, although my reason may not be right. Usually, if not always, when I screw up and I know that I have fallen off track...well, I am just depressed. Why start today when I can put it off 'til tomorrow-the day is already ruined anyways-rite!…
  • Each of these areas have been troublesome for me. With each child I have had-the trouble seems to only increase. I would like to tone my whole body but those areas need more work than just being toned. When I wear blue jeans you really can't tell but in a bathing suit or shorts--well lets just say it is not pretty. I am…
  • I like to buy the stuff that has the portions already seperated. I also love sweets so the 100 calorie packs of cookies and other stuff is good-that way I know I will only eat one portion. Best of luck!
    in hello Comment by suzmaraly April 2009
  • I just happened to stumble across this site and I am very grateful that I have. I am 31 years old and I have three children. Most of my unwanted weight seems to gravitate towards my mid-section. It drives me nuts. Anyhow, it is nice to meet everyone. I wish all of you the best of luck at meeting your goals and if you have…
    in Hello Comment by suzmaraly April 2009