Saddlebags vs. Lovehandles vs. Abs

Each of these areas have been troublesome for me. With each child I have had-the trouble seems to only increase. I would like to tone my whole body but those areas need more work than just being toned. When I wear blue jeans you really can't tell but in a bathing suit or shorts--well lets just say it is not pretty. I am looking for any ideas, suggestions, and tips on food and exercises. I have pulled some stuff off of the internet and so far no difference as far as I can tell. It would be great to hear suggestions from real people who aren't trying to sell me something. Thanks.


  • suzmaraly
    Each of these areas have been troublesome for me. With each child I have had-the trouble seems to only increase. I would like to tone my whole body but those areas need more work than just being toned. When I wear blue jeans you really can't tell but in a bathing suit or shorts--well lets just say it is not pretty. I am looking for any ideas, suggestions, and tips on food and exercises. I have pulled some stuff off of the internet and so far no difference as far as I can tell. It would be great to hear suggestions from real people who aren't trying to sell me something. Thanks.
  • sassyredgirl
    sassyredgirl Posts: 162 Member
    Its funny the names that they are called mine are personally called mud flaps and jelly rolls. Im curious to see answers as well and for the bat wings my under arms since losing weight is driving me nuts.
  • mmackie
    mmackie Posts: 93
    I have just recently come to know the true meaning of "muffin top". I have always had a "curvy" body but I always had a flat tummy and waist. In the last couple of years, I have gotten that muffin top though...and I am so frustrated about it! Unfortunately, I don't know of anything you probably haven't tried, but I can definitely sympathize!:explode:
  • Rachael
    Rachael Posts: 168 Member
    Hey girls! I think these are problem areas for all of us! Lately, I'm completely into the Billy Blanks Bootcamp series. I think his Lower Body Bootcamp is fantastic. I can really feel it in my legs - especially my inner thighs which seems to be a hard area to work. I have four of his DVDs and I love them all.

    I don't have any of his upper body specific workouts, but the other three I have (Fat Blasting Cardio, Ultimate Bootcamp and and Total Body Fat Blaster) incorporate the upper body for a pretty solid workout. He does use resistance bands, but I get a pretty good workout without them (don't yet have the kind he uses).

    Hope this helps. Good luck!
  • wannalosew8
    I, too, am a victim of all these things and I am working on them. :sad: I think cardio is best way to get rid of fat in the midsection. You can do all the crunches you want to build the muscle underneath but you need cardio to help burn the fat on top of the muscle. I have read that a lot of places. Also, cutting down on sugars, starches, and carbs should help trim your waistline too. I am no expert but I have started running and walking more over the last month and have been avoiding sugar and I have lost about 3 inches in my waist so far. I hope to keep it up!:smile:

    Squats and lunges should help with thigh and butt areas. Also, walking or running on the treadmill at a high incline is suppose to work your thighs and lift your rearend.

    Hope some of this helps! :happy:
  • suzmaraly
    The names we call them are funny. I don't know why I continue to call them lovehandles because there is nothing I love about them, however, the handle part is right. Now I think I may call them
  • ekgstr
    ekgstr Posts: 21
    Im pretty sure you cant pick a area to loose fat you have to just loose weight I wish there was a magic way get rid of love hadles
  • kingnatalie
    kingnatalie Posts: 163
    My daughter was born 7 months ago via c-section. My body wasn't where I would have liked it before I was pregnant. I gained close to 50 pounds. The best thing I have found for melting my lovehandles and tummy fat, as well as molding my upper arms has been the elliptical machine. Stick to it, 30 minutes a day, 4-5 times a week. I stay within my calories daily. I don't necessarily eat more just because exercising has given me more calories to eat.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Only in rare cases do individuals experience fat loss or muscle growth in one area--like competitive cyclists' legs. And it's generally extremely minor--you wouldn't see it by looking. So you can do crunches and twists all day, and while effective exercises will increase your abdominal strength and maybe cause some muscle growth, it won't decrease fat in that area. You will lose fat overall as a result of your caloric deficit.

    That said, I see TONS of muffin tops caused by ill-fitting, low-rise pants. Some people don't realize they're in a larger size, or they just buy unflattering cuts. If you have wider hips, get a mid-rise pant that doesn't squish at the widest part of your hips.
  • suzmaraly
    I appreciate all of the tips and I will definatly try more cardio...ugh...unfortunatly it seems like that is one of the biggest keys.