33casey Member


  • I know its a little late but can I still be in? I weighed in today at 149.
  • Once I reached my halfway goal I got rid of all my clothes that were to big and bought smaller sizes. They are a little snug right now, but it is a HUGE motivator becuase I don't have any other option, I have to fit it them, they are the only clothes I have!!! It was scary to do, but I think it is really important. I think…
  • Thanks for posting this! I used to get terrible headaches every day without fail and I could never figure out why! But when I became serious about getting healthy and started to drinks tons and tons of water, my headaches dissapeared! My poor body was probably so dehydrated it was trying to tell me "GIVE ME WATER!!!" I am…
  • Just wanted to share a little more information on Eat Stop Eat. I am in the middle of this great book called "Empowering Your Health" by Dr. Asa Andrew and he mentions the benefits of fasting for 24 hours. I just thought it was interesting that I came across that section of the book last night after I learned about Eat…
  • This could be a dumb question, I just want to clarify: So, if I am supposed to consume 1200 cal/day, and I fast on 2 days during the week, do I have to consume those 2400 cals on other days, or do I just forget about them?