

  • I won some of this from our Complete Nutrition store so I'm giving it a whirl. I usually take OxyElite Pro and love it, gives me energy throughout the day and controls my appetite. I recently also started using Cellucor C4 as a pre-workout and backed my Oxy intake to one pill in the AM and one at lunch. The c4 is not for…
    in Refirm? ? Comment by rcloud August 2013
  • I agree with everyone else, if you are the one going to the store and the one cooking then cook the way you see fit. My kids eat what's given to them or they don't eat and they don't get to snack on junk food later. My diet is pretty strict, but it's not unreasonable. My hubby isn't on the health band wagon at the moment…
  • I used the sensor and it worked well with my iPod nano. I stopped using it for 2 reasons, 1) I kept forgetting to shut it off and it ran the battery down and 2) if I stopped and kicked my foot around at all it gave me an inaccurate reading. I've since switched to an app as well that uses my gps coordinates to figure out…
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