One cup of coffee with skim milk English muffin with 1 medium fried egg 1000mg of omega fish oil supplement YMCA One hour treadmill on 15 degree elevation burning 1100 calories Four cybrex strength machines 3 sets of 12 reps arms,abs, legs around 10 AM Home to a cup of chai black tea adding a small sliced open chilly…
Thx so much.. it is members like yourself who take the time to encourage others like us. This can be very discouraging to the point I dread going to the scales to avaoid frustration and disappointment.Im 62 and struggling and on the verge of saying whats the use. Its comments like yours that just make us want to drive on…
How insprational as Im struggling to lose. Have become quite skeptical of this tracking system. I have been very comitted from Jan 1st with diet and excercise burning between 500 and 1000 daily on a treadmill. Balanced meals healthy snacks and very moderate alchol intake. In two months Ive lost maybe 4 lbs.
says you lost 17 lbs?????????????
Start the day with 2 cups of coffee with no sugar and skim milk Leave for the ymca with a special k strawberry bar and a banana treadmill.. burning anywhere from 500 to 1000 calories depending on my projected food intake for the day. About 10 mins of free weight training and strength machines for legs arms and back Back…