Losing Inches but not Pounds - Explain please :)

Ok, so I have not lost any weight or anything to get excited about in the past 2 wks or more. As much as that annoys me I have also been taking my measurements and I have lost there, so I will take that !

My question is this : I am not 10-20lbs within my goal, not even close, so how the heck am I losing inches but not weight ?

I mean I can't keep just losing inches without the scale moving at all , sheesh, I have at least 50lbs to still lose.

Can anyone explain this to me ? Thanks !


  • jimmysimpson
    says you lost 17 lbs?????????????
  • tiffanypardus
    she said nothing in the last 2 weeks but inches
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    what is more important? I mean it's not like you carry some scales round with you to show people- what matters is appearance and clearly that is changing. The other stuff will catch up anyway. Clearly you're doing something right so I wouldn't worry!
  • CaseRat
    CaseRat Posts: 377 Member
    Now I'm no expert but I know enough...
    Muscle weighs more than fat due to it being more dense; simple as that. If you're losing fat and putting on muscle, you won't be losing any weight on the scales but you'll look visibly smaller, and as you say, will be losing inches.

    Don't worry so much about the number on the scales - the mirror is your best friend.
  • littlesizzler
    because muscle takes up less room in your body than fat. U apparently have hit a plateau in your loss but you have continued to sculpt your body... take both "losses" numbers on the scale and inches on the waist. GOOD JOB!!!!!
  • sondra216379
    sondra216379 Posts: 174 Member
    Yup, if you are losing inches but not weight you are gaining muscle, or at least that's how I understand it. I'd definitely take it!!
  • cbtownsend
    That is why it is recommended to take measurements as well. Weight is not always accurate. Muscle outweighs fat, so I would rather be 150 and toned than 140 and flabby. Who cares what the scale says anyway? I am more concerned in how I feel and how my clothes fit... that is what keeps me going.
  • lillmssy
    I'm in the same boat. I have been at it for about 6-7 weeks now and have lost more inches than weight. My jeans tell the story.
    I'm good with that ;)
  • hope516
    hope516 Posts: 1,133 Member
    what is more important? I mean it's not like you carry some scales round with you to show people- what matters is appearance and clearly that is changing. The other stuff will catch up anyway. Clearly you're doing something right so I wouldn't worry!

  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    put the scale away, it lies, and concentrate on how you are reshaping your body. You are losing fat but gaining muscle. I would rather have the muscles any day. I am in the same boat as you but I do feel better and different within my body. Try weighing in once a month. The number on the scale psychologically wrecks me so I have been attempting to weigh once a month besides the occasional peek to make sure I am on the right track. As long as you are eating well and exercising, your body will continue to redesign itself.. You just have to be patient. I am with ya!!!! Believe me!! I think it is much harder to lose weight as you get older. Keep on keeping on and put the scale away!!!
  • smiles4support
    in my experience I lost inches before I started to see the scale move.......you are doing something right! KEEP IT UP!!!
  • honeyb7
    I have found if I fluctuate my calorie intake it sort of wakes up my metabolism. For instance, some days I will be a bit below my recommended amount (not for too many consecutive days, because eating too few calories will put your body in starvation mode) and then eat my normal calories for a couple of days. I would watch how many of your exercise calories you are eating back too..too few calories and again starvation mode...eating some of them is better than not eating them since your body will hold on to them if it thinks it's starving!
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    While I understand what you are all saying, I currently weight 193lbs, so it's not like I am going to be 193lbs and all muscle bahahahahahhaha....... I guess what I am asking is for how long does the "losing inches" mean something ???

    If I was 150-130 I would understand the toning and sculpting and losing inches would be good,

    But I am 5"4 and weight 193 lol can't be 193lbs of muscle, that would VERY unattractive lol
  • roseemb
    roseemb Posts: 85 Member
    Maybe this visual will help:


    There is a huge visual difference between 5lbs of fat vs 5lbs of muscle, the density is that much different and they take up ad different amount of space.
  • dtenzie
    Basically muscle weighs more than fat. Whenever you start a workout program in the beginning your muscles are not use to the workout. So they get bigger. Fat takes up more space in your body. Think of it this way if you compare 1lb of muscle (size of a kiwi) to 1lb of fat (size of a grapefruit). Muscle is much heavier but takes up less space in your body. Hence losing inches yet the scale isn't moving. Keep up the good work :-).
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    Maybe this visual will help:


    There is a huge visual difference between 5lbs of fat vs 5lbs of muscle, the density is that much different and they take up ad different amount of space.

    Thank you for that, I have seen that pic before but it's neat to read about it.
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    Basically muscle weighs more than fat. Whenever you start a workout program in the beginning your muscles are not use to the workout. So they get bigger. Fat takes up more space in your body. Think of it this way if you compare 1lb of muscle (size of a kiwi) to 1lb of fat (size of a grapefruit). Muscle is much heavier but takes up less space in your body. Hence losing inches yet the scale isn't moving. Keep up the good work :-).

    So is my body all of a sudden going to start melting this weight off ?

    I do know that my muscles are much much bigger and harder and stronger. Some will argue with me, but I know my body and my muscles are growing very quickly, even though I have read over and over that you can't gain muscle when you are not in a "bulking cycle"......
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    The more muscles you have the more calories you will burn just by doing nothing. You are reshaping yourself. Giving up is not an option. How do you feel? If you feel healthy and strong and see changes in the way your clothes fit you, then that should be sufficient. The scale just shows your relation to gravity, not all the good things that are going on inside your body!!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    It might not be so much that you're gaining muscle, which is really hard to do on a calorie deficit, but as you're exercising, your body retains fluids to repair your muscle, which can temporarily cause the scale to stall or in some cases show an increase.

    Drink plenty of fluid, take rest days every so often, and know you're doing the right thing. The numbers will follow.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    How much are you eating daily?

    Higher calories will tend to net better results if you create that type of fat burning environment macro wise.