

  • I've been doing low-carb and I plateaued a little while ago. I just had a carb day (didn't go nuts, just ate the bread witht he sandwich, etc) and then went back to low carb and I've been trucking since.
  • I have tried every diet on the planet it seems like. I have done HMR, Weight Watchers, Nutrisystem, among others. I have found through personal trial and error that the low-carb lifestyle works for me. The weight loss you see in my signature is for two weeks worth as of this posting. I have a lot more energy, my hunger is…
  • I think making blanket statements like this is dangerous. I've been on several diets during my battle with my weight and I can say the best I've felt and the most I've lost has been while on a low-carb kick. Now, low carb to me means <100g day. I've tried NutriSystem, Weight Watchers, and a few others but the generic low…
  • Breakfast - one scoop of Muscle Milk Powder w/ one cup of milk lunch - either chipotle burrito bowl or a subway sub dinner - varies; usually 2 hots dogs w/ bun or taco bell dive thru diet or fish I try to eat ~1500 cal/day.
  • Look I'm really fat. I've been fat for a long time. The thing fat people try to do is blame society or others for our own problems. Did an evil skinny person cast a fat hex on me? No. I made a series of bad choices that lead to me being this way. The sooner fat people decide enough is enough and decide to make changes the…
  • I've got ~200 to lose. I've found I need to join a gym because when i say I'm going to exercise at home I find I get distracted and it doesn't happen.
  • I used to take Nexium for mine but once I cut out soda, tomatoes, citrus, fried food, and red meat I don't need the Nexium any more.
  • When I picked my daughter up from the bus stop and she told me that she was defending her daddy because the other kids on the bus said "your daddy is really fat". It made her so upset she cried. Also, and not to sound like a pervert, it would be nice to see my penis without the aid of a mirror :D
  • I'd have to say Harry Dresden. If you guys like the Dresden Files series check out the Nightside series by Simon Green. John Taylor is a lot like Dresden and I thoroughly enjoy those books as well.
  • Yeah healers are the unsung heroes of the raid, kinda like offensive linemen in football. Indispensable but yet little recognition. You're welcome.
  • I always get stuck being the healer in my group because no one else wants the job. Before I broke my WoW addiction I was a Tauren Shaman and with my D&D group I am a Human Cleric :(