

  • Thanx very helpful info. I've lost 51 pounds but totaly lost when it comes to how much protien to take in. I'm trying to continue to loose fat & gain muscle so thanx again!
  • I've always said I'll try the brazilian butt lift but never have. Recently I've had surgery as well along with approaching 40 this yr I need a lil lift So thanks so much for letting us know how great the butt lift is I will invest in it.
  • I'm struggling with this holiday season as well. What I find that helps a little is if you cook and eat your own food before visiting others. It's always best to go on a full stomach. That way when you do eat over faimly and friends house you dont eat as much and if your really tempted try having a glass of water before…
  • I do fat free creamer and splender. Its about 30 calories. After cleaning the bathroom or kitchen you have pretty much worked it off.
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