

  • I agree with everyone who has said that you should cut out some of the bread! I'd say limit yourself to only one bread item a day, and eat more healthy carb sources (oatmeal for breakfast instead of the muffin etc) and more fruits and veggies which will keep you full!
  • I'm Lauren and my superpower is being able to play almost any instrument which is handed to me {D
  • Nah. I listen to loads of music my friends wouldn't listen to if it was the last thing on Earth...In fact, I only listen to about 3 bands that my friends listen to and the rest is what I like. They think my love of Prince is crazy though. :')
  • I find early morning exercise is great! It helps to wake me up and gives me plenty energy throughout the day. I also find it means I don't have to worry about finding time later in the day. Go for it!
  • I currently have one side of my head shaved to a number 1 with a big fringe and the rest fairly short. I used to have the shaved side dyed black and the other side bright red which was awesome until school made me dye over it. Dyeing it lilac in the summer though!