

  • Man, I love the Mallow cream pumpkins. 100% sugar. That and Milky Way simply caramel. I Need to go to the gym pronto.
  • Calories are calories. You may get more nutrition from different things but they add up the same. That's why if you keep track of the calories you will still lose weight and you don't have to be come a vegetarian unless that is what you choose.
  • My weakness is bakery stuff. Breads, especially Swedish rye, Blueberry muffins, cookies etc. Just better not to have them handy. I do treat myself once in a while if I earn extra from exercise. A girl has to know her limitations!
  • I agree with this. You lose the fat were you gained it last. The tummy area is were we first started the weight gain and it will be last to go. For me that and the boob area. I know plenty of my friends that the boobs are the first to go when losing weight. You can only strengthen the muscles under the fat.
  • All us shorties have the same problem. I'm 5'2" and am in the 155 to 160 range on any given day. Started losing after I attained a weight of 210. To be "normal" under government and insurance standards ( and these were established in the 50s for insurance purposes) I'd have to get to 110. At 59, this is not realistic. My…
  • Congrats on your amazing journey so far. I have also lost about 30 lbs on MFP but 60 total in the last year and a half. A girlfriend who has lost a total of 130 lbs turned me on to this and I thanks her every day. It's just getting your head wrapped around the fact that you can do this. Hope for your continued success.
  • I do cardio about 4-5 times a week and for me it has been a staple of my weight loss. I do a step class at least 3 times a week because I really like it. and Zumba coz it's fun. We do tons of ab work in the step class and weights so it's not all cardio. Just do what you enjoy doing and keep moving. I've lost 55 lbs over…
  • Yeah, it does lessen after you get back into it. Using any muscles you haven't used in a awhile will make them hurt. It helps if you do some warm up exercises first and stretch a bit. The bike shorts are definitely worth it. No shame in getting off for a while either. Hang in there. Remember you don't have to ride for…
  • Well, I guess you could ride where there are no cars like a bike path or trail. I wouldn't let that insistent stop me. Luckily I live in the country and the roads are almost empty. More likely to get hit by a deer or a tractor. Glad you weren't hurt.
  • I'd love to be your friend. Welcome back to MFP. I've been here for about a year and a half. We are the same height and I started out at 210. Lost about 20 before a friend of mine turned me on to my fitness. My goal is also 140 so I've got about 20 to go but at this point toning and getting stronger is more of the goal. At…
  • That's absolutely hilarious! Love it. Go EGGS.
    in EGGS!! Comment by dichrodiva June 2013
  • All I have to say is "When seconds count, the police are only minutes away."
  • I've been a MFP member for almost a year and a half I'll support anyone who wants to add me. On daily. This site has been a life changer. I recommend it to anyone who has a desire to make the first step.