

  • I pretty much always stay under the 20 carbs (which was two years last time). Be sure that you do not cut out too much fat from your diet. You need to be trying to eat about 65% of your calories from fat, 30% from protein, and 5% from carbs. Since I am not always good about eating as many veggies as I should I take a fiber…
  • Actually last time I went on atkins I lost 60 lbs, my blood pressure came down, and my cholesterol came down about 50 points. My doctor and I were thrilled!
  • Yeah no way would I ever attempt to cut my coffee! Life would not be worth living. Just make sure you factor it into your diet whether you are counting calories or carbs.
  • I'm 5'8 bust 45 in waist 38 in hips 51 in thighs 31 in arms 15 in
  • It is for weight loss but also a complete lifestyle change. I did atkins before for two years in high school and lost 60 lbs, but college kinda killed that. Now that I have my own home and can control what food comes into the house I want to get back on atkins. I am also trying to workout at least 3 to 4 times a week. I…
  • I have done Atkins before and from what I can tell carbs just cause my energy to drop much faster (crash and burn kinda). Protein keeps me going much longer and more consistently, plus no blood sugar spikes.
  • My goal weight is 170, but I really just want to be under 200!