SJS39 Member


  • You throw around a lot of advice that directly contradicts much of my personal research (medical journals and studies) and the advice of highly qualified MDs, including research PHD/MDs I have personally spoken with. Specifically the dangers of eating below BMR. Do you have any reliable articles to backup your theories?…
  • If you have a properly conducted study to direct me to i'd be more than happy to check it out. By properly conducted i mean one which has appropriate controls (holding calories constant for starters), a sufficient sample size (at least several hundred), and should have statistically significant results (p value<.05)
  • The study had 11 people in it. That's a really small sample size and definitely not large enough to reach any conclusions.
    in Gary Taubes Comment by SJS39 June 2012
  • I only got to the 6th study but im sorry to say they were flawed. A few did not hold calories constant which is, frankly, an embarrassing control to neglect. And the last three reported statistically insignificant results being that the standard errors were so beyond being able to pass a t-test. I could read the others but…
    in Gary Taubes Comment by SJS39 June 2012
  • Calorie is a calorie.
  • I would say about 10% weight loss.
  • The article is BS but the calc is decent. For u it says 2145, if u eat 500 less per day u will lose 1 pound a week. And anyone who says it depends on the type of calories eaten (protein, fat, carb) is wrong. If you want to lose more than 1 lb a week than exercise.…