when will i begin seeing results??

I started dieting & exercising massively 3 days ago. I have nothing else to do it's summer(: & i was wondering how long for results on a 210, 5'8" female?


  • blackmagic10
    blackmagic10 Posts: 335 Member
    time will tell you can't really say everyones body is different so just keeping doing you
  • eluv61488
    eluv61488 Posts: 12
    Congrats on starting your new journey! Results will definitely vary from person to person, and a lot depends on how consistent you are. Remember, weightloss/getting in shape is a lifestyle change...so if you work out and eat better for two weeks, and then go back to eating how you were and not working out...you're very likely to gain it back! But if you stick with it, you will start seeing changes very quickly. I use the Golds Gym App...and it has a "flipbook" on it, where you can take pics of yourself and create a flipbook! it really helps in seeing changes! Good luck :)
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    In my estimation, after you lose about 10% of your body weight you should see some results :) so, for 210 lbs you will see some results when you lose 21 lbs. I started at 286 and it was right there around the 30 lb mark that people started to notice
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    3 days? girl give it time.

    i didnt start seeing changes in the mirror or in my clothes until i lose 20 pounds. i started off as 224 so that falls in the 10% loss bradphil mentioned.

    before that though, i noticed all kinds of health and fitness related results like no longer getting feet swelling, lessened sleep apnea, walk up steps to my apartment without wanting to pass out..
  • SJS39
    SJS39 Posts: 8 Member
    I would say about 10% weight loss.