

  • I want to ask a question about this. I've been drinking one can of diet caffeine free coke at night, maybe 3-4 nights/wk, as a way to curb my cravings for higher calorie stuff. (If I feel like the dc is a treat it stops me from wanting ice cream and M&Ms.) How bad is it really? Otherwise I only drink water and coffee (and…
  • Yup, that would make sense. I didn't know the gender (or other stuff). that's what I was wondering, thanks!
  • "I feel a little hesistant since I burn 1,000 cals running 4 miles in 50 minutes" That's amazing! I run 60 minutes a day and complete 6.5 to 6.7 miles and burn about 750 calories. How are you able to burn so much more? I'm 5'6", female, 145 lbs.
  • There was a period of time when I was a kid that my mom was on some protein-intensive diet and used to make herself a hamburger for breakfast. We rebelled when she served us rice krispies while she was having a juicy burger, so for a brief period my breakfast was substantial. It was great, I had a ton of energy for school…
  • I get up at 6 but it's not to work out, I get the kids up, make breakfast, try to get my husband up, make his breakfast, etc. I drive the kids to school at 7:45 and by 8:25 I'm either at the gym or on an outdoor run. Depending on the day I run 60-100 minutes, then head home and am at my desk (I work from home) shortly…
  • I'll be 46 in 3 months. Since January I'm down 15 lbs, to 147, want to get to 140 or possibly 135. I'm down almost 40 lbs from my adult high of 185. That came after 8 years of fertility drugs-->pregnancy-->nursing-->nursing and pregnancy-->just pregnancy-->ridiculously long nursing. I lost 35 lbs 2 years ago, then put 30…
  • Yes, friend me! I don't have any friends! (Well I do in real life, but not on here). I need to start doing that.
  • First he had me slow down, having me run 4.7-5.2 mph. The other things were physical - I moved my hands too much, he wanted them still and relaxed, lower than I was holding them, thumbs on top. I leaned forward too much, he had me ease back a bit. Also he emphasized trying to make my foot falls as quiet as possible, by…
  • Congrats on your first half! That's amazing. I'm signed up for my first in November and I'm nervous about it. (My training will drop a lot after August when my job heats up). Just keep running. I didn't believe it would bring my time down but I'm starting to think everyone who told me that was right!
  • Thanks everyone! And what's really cool is that I didn't even focus on time that much. My trainer thinks that injuries come when people try to increase distance and speed simultaneously so he said focus on distance. So when I ran outside, that's all I did, I didn't try to go quickly. (When I run on the treadmill though I…
  • Hi all, new here! I'm in Center City, close to South Philly. Moved from NYC 11 years ago and have loved every minute.
  • Every single morning, but I only count it as a weight loss if I get roughly the same result 3 days in a row (to the nearest pound). I find my weight fluctuates so much that if I only weighed myself once a month I would never know if it was an accurate reading.
  • Thank you Brian!
  • Their house brand, 365, can actually be really economical. My kids adore their 365 cereal bars, which come in about 5 different flavors. $1.69 for a box of 8 (the price may have just gone up a bit, can't remember). They have big bottles of water for less than $1, and the bulk grains in bins can be reasonably priced. They…
  • I have 2 boys, 6 and 8. We call everything by their proper names although the kids prefer using wiener or wienie. But the older one announced one day "you know those balls near my penis? well, they look like a chipmunk's cheeks with nuts in it so now I'm going to call my penis a chipmunk". So there's that too.