

  • Hey - I feel bad that your question has gone unsatisfied. Here are some quick articles I found about potential risks for fast weight loss: Gallstones / Gastrointestinal Problems http://www.livestrong.com/article/307431-problems-with-losing-weight-too-fast/ Hair Loss / Muscle Loss…
  • Hearing your back-story explains why you feel the way you do. You have every right to feel that way, but I think its wrong to say that people on this thread don't care about children. What people are saying is that this is a sticky subject - something that isn't easily defined or governed, not to mention all the parental…
  • TOTALLY Agree. One of the saddest things I've ever seen is a cute average build little girl shopping with her mommy. The mom asked if she liked a dress. The girl replied, "No - it makes me look fat." I wonder where she learned that from. Point: Don't obsess over it. Get educated. Make yourself responsible for your choices.…
  • It is the parent's right and responsibility to raise and nurture their children to the best of their ability according to the dictates of their own conscience. However unfortunate that may be, at times. It will be a sad day when we demand government intervention into the raising of "other peoples" children. While we on…
  • It's amazing how significant a motivator kids can be, eh? I have two beautiful girls and I would hate for them to be embarrased to be seen with me or be judged because of me. I know something else that has helped get me off of my duff was to find a measurable objective, outside of weight loss, that supported my battle. In…
  • WOW - Congrats on the progress. That's some gumption to stick with such a drastic drop for so long. That being said, I would be concerned that your progress is not sustainable. At some point you have to balance your values - your desired body image vs. the impact on your lifestyle. What are you giving up to maintain your…