fleur_charms Member


  • 23 from Wolverhampton :D
  • Thanks guys, I have horrible cramps like some of you and it's just so eurgh lol. I kept up on doing lots of looong walks, 40 mins a day on my exercise bike and a bit of wii fit which isn't very intense at all but atleast I was doing something! Back to the shred tomorrow!
  • Thanks, hopefully my pounds will catch up with my inches! I've just started the 30 day shred as well after hearing lots about it on here. I've got to say a lot of people on here say how hard it is but I didn't find it too much of a strain, probably because I'd been playing EA for a while! I'm sure I see a difference in my…
  • It will definitely be a life long change :) but since I started I had two goals, first to be comfy, fit and in shape for my holiday and then my ultimate goal which is to be a healthy bmi and to stay there for good! Thanks for the encouragement everyone :)
  • I still eat meat on occasion, though I mainly swapped it out of my diet because I'm a student and it's so expensive to get organic meat! Thanks everyone :)
  • Wow very inspiring I have about 38 pounds to go before I'm 170! How long did it take you to lose the weight if you don't mind me asking?