

  • Hi and Welcome!! I LOVE MFP! It's helped me tremendously. I'm Kat and working on toning up a bit and training for some obstacle races. Feel free to friend me and we can support one another!!
    in Hi all Comment by japerkat August 2012
  • Did I understand correctly that you're only down 25g for the entire week? That's not bad at all. You might not need a supplement. Maybe just some egg whites a couple days a week?
  • Hey there! There are a couple of things you can do.... 1st nutrition is key - you have to lose the weight. 2nd - core strengthening will help tremendously. Have you heard of planking? I would suggest planking a few times a day for as long as you can and work up in time. Try 20-30 secs at first and do that 4-5x/day and then…
  • My weakness is bread too!! I will never buy a break maker because I would be 300lbs! :) How much water are you drinking? When I really focus on my water intake, I notice I don't crave as many sweets or breads because it seems to keep me fuller longer.
    in Help! Comment by japerkat August 2012
  • I bought Brazilian Butt Lift, but haven't tried it yet... :/ I definitely want to check it out though...
  • Great Job! I'm starting next Monday!!
  • That's awesome!! Great Job!!