

  • Hi everyone.. Its been a crazy week and a half and I have not been able to keep up on here like I had been doing. We were out og town for a Wedding this past weekend and my father inlaw was in the hosptial - whew... I am so happy there is now so many of us in the 50's or close. Even though it has been a tough week and half…
  • Yes I agree that 50 is the new 30's : ) we will all do great!!
  • Thank you so much! I already feel better and that makes me want to lose and be healither all that much more :) I look forward to us all motivating each other. I will be out of town this weekend so I wont be able to post as much as I like. I am sure you will do great. Find something in the evenings that you love to do. When…
  • Sounds like you are doing great so far. The evenings can be tough. For me I make air popped popcorn. I spray pam on it and a little salt. Its a vey low calorie snack. I have cut out the sweets and now I am not craving. I workout 5 to 6 days a week. I just add in exercise when ever I have a few minutes.
  • I agree, it is very hard to lose weight as we get into our 50's. I also see more of a difference in my clothes more then the scale. I am loosing but very slowly. I go to the gym everyday. I sometimes take Sundays off. Keep up the walking it is one of the best things we can do for ourselves :smile:
  • Today was a good day... I did 60 push up's and 48 squats. I walked at lunch time for 30 minutes and I am now getting ready to go to spin/cycle class, its a hour class and it is a Marine who instructs and man is it hard but feels good to complete his class! I hope everyone had a great day :glasses:
  • Hi and welcome :smile: We are all here to cheer each other on. I am finding it very helpful to take the time to put in all my food... everything!! it adds up and makes us make better choices. Try to exercise everyday even if it is broken up into 10 minutes at a time and get sleep : ) These are all things I am finding that…
  • Hi, I understand the struggle... taking the time to workout is hard. My goal is to make this a lifestyle change. I actually just started going to the gym in the mornings. I was going after work all the time and getting on my elliptical a few mornings a week for 20 minutes. We can do this! Keep posting and keep track of…
  • :glasses: Good morning everyone : ) Looking forward to making this a great day!
  • We just have to keep moving.... spring and summer is around the corner and I want to feel and look better then I have in a long time. The weight does not come off easy and I am determined to do this lol : )
  • I look forward to all of us that are not as young as we use to be sharing ideas and different workouts as well as recipes! A day at a time we can do this ; )
  • Thanks and I really hope you have a great workout!! It does feel good to lose weight. I still have such a long way to go but a day at a time : ) I look forward to chatting with you!
  • Hi, Glad to see so many people on here trying to get healthier. My husband and I were doing really well with working out the year before last when a couple of pieces of sheet metal fell on his foot and broke 4 toes and the big toe was broken in 2 places and he had to have surgery and pins put in to stabilize the toe.…
  • Hi, I'm not sure what your first name is. I am very happy to have so many nice people to share and motivate each other. I have a elliptical at home too and that's what I started out doing before going back to the gym. Since I don't have any children at home I have worked out going to the gym again : ) I look forward to…
  • Hi, My name is Carla Jane. I am new to this site and am very excited to encourage and be encouraged by others. I started working out in September 2011 and have lost 20 lbs and gone down 2 sizes : ) I faithfully workout at least 5 days a week and am working my way with my husband to healthy/clean eating. I am trying to…