

  • Its never easy (unless you are a guy it seems!) but, think how much harder it would be if we were 60 something. I just want to get control of my weight now, hoping for better health at 60. I haven't been the best at plugging in my weight loss on here, but I have a board at home and I've lost 3lbs since 12/30. I don't have…
  • In need of an alternative coffee creamer.......I only like the liquid stuff.....have been using coffee mate french vanilla. Even the sugar free one has a lot of calories. Would love any suggestions.... [/quote] Me too! today I tried vanilla flavored almond mil as an alternative - not as good but definitely much healthier…
  • Yeah, I learned my lesson too. Went to Subway a few weeks ago and thought, oh the flatbread is probably a low calorie option over the bread. Totally wrong. It had more calories and was less filling. I too got a cookie thinking I was skimping on calories and could indulge and it was high calorie too (oatmeal raisin) so I…
  • Glad I found this group! Just joined the website today, hoping it will help me stay on track better by having to write it all down. My daughter just turned 2 and still has trouble sleeping all night, so I'm usually exhausted daily and have VERY long days at work with a long commute so I use that as an excuse not to…
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