bcorbin34 Member


  • I would say make sure your calories really count. I eat breakfast, then a snack, then lunch then a snack, then dinner and then a snack. I do a lot of protien, fruit and veggies, plus drinking a lot of water fills you up. I would say change up how your eating and what your eating and see if you notice a difference and if…
  • Nothing wrong with working out twice in one day, just make sure your fueling your body. You have to eat your extra calories, the calorie goal they give you on here already lowered to help you loose weight. Not sure what you are eating, but going high protien might help to build up your muscle for all those workouts, which…
  • I would check with your doctor first and foremost, as blood loss can cause a lot of issues with your body and you could have a iron issue. 1200 is truly the lowest you should ever go for eating, so I wuldn't be afraid to up that number. Not sure what kinds of food your eating so kind of makes it hard to know, eating foods…
  • Any weight loss program will tell you eat what you burn, as you have already lowered your intake of calories. If your body thinks it is starving it goes after muscle and stores the fat. So you want to make sure you eat enough to keep your body going. Also one think people seem to think is that fat weighs less then muscle,…
  • I do think lunges can be easier using the Smith machine, but it does take some practice. Wondering if your at the gym doing them if they have someone to help you work on form and stance for them. I would think for adding weight that would the easier one to use if you want to stick to lunges. Though I did like the…
  • Congrats on meeting your goal that is so exciting. :happy:
  • I think you need to find what balace works for your body. We are not all the same and so what works for one person doesn't work for another. Also I think excercise is easier to keep doing it you enjoy it. Hope you find your balance :)
  • I agree with the post, if someone you know does it, try out theirs for flavor. Whey is great for muscle, but there are so many brands it really comes down to what your taste buds like in order to stick with it. Good luck
  • Great job on the weight loss :) I would say do some research into and find out who the best doctors are. As it is cosmetic, insurance probably wont pay for it. But most places now have payment plans if the money is an issue. I would say shop around and see who does the best work, I know there are some great surgeons out…
  • I had a similar problem until I started eating more calories. You can't push your body to great limits and not give it food. It will go into starvation mode and hold onto fat. If you doing late night classes maybe try and protein shake. you could bring the milk and powder and drink it on the way home. That way you are…
  • I agree to uping the cardio, that will help some. However the weight lifting is important more mucsle burns more calories in the long wrong. So keep that up. If you do weights at the gym, see if they have a trainer that could give you pointers, cause if your not increasing weights or reps then it wont do much to change…
  • Salads are a great way to eat more vegatables there are lot of great summer salads you can make. Cucumber salads, brocoli salads are nice options and go well with grilling on the BBQ in th warmer weather. I also agree with below, using humus or a light dressing is a nice additive. Personaly if you haven't tried sugar nap…