Ladies Health / Calorie Intake Question

I've been using Fitness Pal since the beginning of May, and have been doing a 1200 calorie intake since week 3. I know a lot of people say it isn't safe but I honestly didn't have a problem sticking to that generally so I just went with it and have been losing weight steady.

Fast forward to the past few weeks. For the last 2 weeks I have been constantly hungry and I'm wondering if it has a direct correlation to a health problem I have. I have hormonal problems, my body doesn't produce enough progesterone and it causes me to hemorrhage all the time. I've just been switched to a new medication for it but I have been hemorrhaging for almost 4 weeks now since starting it.

Because I've been super hungry the past 2 weeks I was thinking about updating my intake to 1400 calories instead of 1200 but now i'm wondering if i'm just hungry because of the hemorrhaging and I should just wait it out until it stops and then maybe my 1200 calorie diet won't be so bad anymore?

Advice? Opinions?


  • id say up your caloric intake. do you do any workout programs or exercise? if you gain weight you can always decrease it by a couple hundred or so. good luck!
  • If your body is truly hungry - feed it! Also, the bleeding may be depleting your iron stores and it is possible that is why you're hungry. Is this is 'normal' reaction to the medication? You may wish to check with your doctor... Good luck!
  • Kasmira0004
    Kasmira0004 Posts: 79 Member
    Personally, I'd check with a doctor. In the meantime, up your calories to 1400 and see how that feels.
  • exohglo
    exohglo Posts: 49 Member
    If your body is truly hungry - feed it! Also, the bleeding may be depleting your iron stores and it is possible that is why you're hungry. Is this is 'normal' reaction to the medication? You may wish to check with your doctor... Good luck!

    No, I've been on this medication before and it stopped the bleeding for almost 2 years, this time, it hasn't kicked in yet. I have a one month follow up with the doctor tomorrow - hopefully she can help with getting it to stop.

    I haven't been going to the gym lately to be honest. I lack motivation, which probably does have to do with the iron stores. I was severely anemic due to hemorrhaging 2 years ago, and since it's back it is possible that my hemoglobin is down.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Talk to the doctor who is treating this problem. You might need to adjust what you are eating more than how much. For example, you might need more iron to replace that lost due to the hemorrhaging.
  • bcorbin34
    bcorbin34 Posts: 13 Member
    I would check with your doctor first and foremost, as blood loss can cause a lot of issues with your body and you could have a iron issue. 1200 is truly the lowest you should ever go for eating, so I wuldn't be afraid to up that number. Not sure what kinds of food your eating so kind of makes it hard to know, eating foods that will stick with you longer might help as well. Hope this all goes away for you soon.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    In general, I think 1200 calories is too low for any grown woman. But given your medical issue, you really need to talk to your doctor. Don't put your health in the hands of random people on the Internet.
  • exohglo
    exohglo Posts: 49 Member
    I should be clear, I'm definitely not asking for medical advice regarding the bleeding... just asking if anyone thought my hunger issues were due to the fact that I'm bleeding and if you thought it would be detrimental to my weight loss to up my calorie intake by 200 calories