meghannrenee Member


  • P90X will help you build muscle - how much will depend on what kind of weight you use, your goal reps, and your diet. If you use a weight that only allows you to do 8-10 reps and eat a proper diet with lots of protein and a calorie surplus on lift days it can help you build muscle. I don't know that it's the type of…
  • Hi! I'm finishing up week 7 of my first round - feel free to add me if you'd like. You can definitely do this :) Schedule your workouts - make them non-negotiable. Even when you don't want to, give it a few minutes. I'm a little older than you, but kind of in the same boat. I've always been skinny, and I'm a cardio queen,…
  • You can definitely do this! Start slow, follow the couch to 5k program, and listen to your body. Running can be very rewarding - have fun with it :)
  • P90 is a good program, but it does have a lot of repetition. P90x has a lot more variety. It really depends on what you feel comfortable with. If it was me, I'd go ahead and get P90X and modify the exercises as needed as I progressed. It tends to take more than one round for women to see the kinds of results you see in the…
  • I've been using to get an estimate on what I'm burning, then I add the exercises to my database. Not sure how accurate it is, but it's been working for me!
  • I agree with Heitor70 - slower weight lost is better and easier to maintain. What kinds of workouts are you doing?
  • Halfway through week 7!
  • sending you one now!
  • What chuckles9189 said. I'm currently doing P90X. You need dumbbells or resistance bands, and you also need either a pull up bar or a door attachment so you can do the pull up exercises using the bands. It's a great program - muscle burns fat and a lot of people have had great success losing weight on it. Insanity is…
  • Hi! I'm not familiar with body step or body balance, but you could use calisthenics for body pump, and there are several boxing options in the MFP database that you could use for boxing.
  • Maybe HIIT workouts (High Intensity Interval Training)?
  • it sounds like you already have a great base - keep it up and do some research on training plans that you're comfortable with. If you're already running 10 you're well prepared for a half. If you're going for time try to slowly increase your weekly mileage and in the next several months do a few other races (5 and 10ks)…
  • I love TF! I lost a few lbs and a few inches, and a friend of mine lost around 30 lbs. Her pics aren't mine to post, but she went from a size 14 to a 8/6, and she looks great!
  • The Firm has some good ones that have both weights and cardio that are in that range (including warm-up and cool-down) - Total Body Toner, Get Chisled, and Bootcamp are all decent. Anything Jillian Michaels is good too, and for weight training exclusively Chalean Extreme is a great workout and fits that timeframe.
  • try
  • Hi! I haven't personally tried the program but I do know that a lot of people have gotten great results from it. There's a section of the Team Beach Body website dedicated to success stories and you should be able to find a bunch of great stories there. I am a BB coach, so if you have specific questions you cant find…
  • I'm up at 5 am M-F to get my workout in - weekends I'm usually up and running by 8am :)
  • You get there by doing it. Throw away all the crap in your house. Only buy fresh foods. If you don't have crap in the cabinet it's a lot harder to fall back on it. Good fats include in olive oil, avocados, nut butters (peanut, almond, cashew, etc). Good sources of protein include chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, tofu, greek…
  • Exercise machines typically overestimate calories burned. By a lot. At least thats what I've heard and witnessed. I'd say use MFP's calculations - they at least have your stats (age, height, weight, etc). If you want to get a true number, get a Heart Rate Monitor and go by that. Hope that helps!
  • I saw that and am interested in what certified PTs have to say too...
  • I like Clif Builders Bars - 20 g protein, 30g carbs, 270 cals. Luna makes some good ones too.
  • Not as far as I know, but one of my friends downloaded an app called "chime" to help reminder her to have water. She just got it a day or two ago, but might be worth checking out.
  • Sending you a friend request - I'm 5'-7", 128 lbs :) I'm positive and login daily - no point in being mean and negative
  • You can put whatever you want in a smoothie. I like mixing mine with soymilk (lactose intolerant - can't have regular milk). You can use milk, soy milk, almond milk, rice milk, water, any juice, etc. With Juices watch the sugar though - they have lots added. You can also use yogurt if you want to thicken it up. And you can…
  • Hi! 5'-7" 128 lbs calories in: 2000-2400 depending on the day (occasionally more, occasionally less) calories out: 900-1400 depending on the day (occasionally more, occasionally less) Feel free to check out my diary. I'm doing P90X and running/biking/turbokicking. My goal is mainly to build strength at the moment before…
  • Hello! I'd check with your Dr to see what they recommend. I don't think running through joint pain is a good idea - maybe start with a walking/running program where you run for a minute, walk for a few, and repeat. Adding weight training is also a very good idea.
  • I'm up at 5:30a to workout - I do it fasted and eat afterwards. The only times I eat before exercise are weekends before a mid-late morning class, and during marathon training when I'm looking at a run of 2.5+ hours.
  • Practice. Lots and lots of practice. Another poster's recommendation about trying incline and slowly moving closer and closer to the floor is a good one too.
  • OMG - it's awesome!! I get it at different distances depending on what else I've put my body through that day/week, but it almost always happens at some point and makes me feel awesome! Puts me in a great mood for the rest of the day :)